
the original

SFFL – 2014 – Week 3

Here is the Menu for this week’s update:

Nothing much to say here… the part of this week’s update that is different is the Voting results below. Check them out and think about your decisions ahead.


Entry Money Due: Monday October 6, 2014 (End of Week 5)

Trade Deadline: Wednesday November 5, 2014 (Noon)

Playoffs: Week 13 (1st), 14 (2nd), 15 & 16 (Ship)

Year End Party: TBD

Other Dates & Weeks

Week 6 – I will Introduce more Statistics like last year…

  • Probability & Odds
    • Playoff Probability
    • Divisional Probability
    • Championship Probability
    • Graphs
    • Magic Numbers
    • Strength of Schedule
    • Betting Odds

Pick Up Report

Teams that have been granted 6 Free pick-ups due to paying the full amount at the draft… (LVU, KRACK, MSIDE, BUCK, FU, AIR, MNS)
As of 11:39AM Thursday, September 18, 2014
Less Than Zero – 4
Keystone St. Of Mind – 4
Lawrenceville United – 3
Krack – 2
Suck My Ditka – 2
|\/|cNAlR’S Mayhem – 2
Mountain Men – 2
The Beefalo’s – 1
Monday Nightshift – 1
Revis And Butthead – 0
MSIDE’s Year – 0

Last year we ended with $400+

Rule Changes

Rule Change from Last Year: Refer to last week’s post.

Here are the results from Voting…
Rule Change Vote Number 1: Should we Raise the League Entrance Fee?
Result: PASSED (9-3)
Since this has passed, we will do a second round of voting to determine how much and what the new money should go to. A few things to get you thinking. In Terms of how much. I think for right now $25, $50, $75, or $100 are pretty standard options. As for what it could go to. This will be tricky to vote on since it could go to multiple things. This itself could take multiple rounds of voting. Some options include… Raise 1st,2nd,3rd payouts, Payout weekly winners, Payouts Regular Season winners, Payout Yearly highest scorers (players and/or teams), go towards Championship Rings (suggested). This will be voted on in the coming weeks.

Rule Change Vote Number 2: Should we ban all Trades?
Result: FAILED (1-11)
This has failed and all trades will remain with the same rules. Not including the two teams involved, so 10 other votes, 6 are needed to Veto (Majority). If it is 5-5 the two teams involved will count as 1 vote for ‘Allow’ passing the trade. If any trade get’s enough Veto votes by the league, it will not be Veto’d right away. It will still go to a three person panel that will vote on the trade. These three people have no investment in the league and will be given rosters, standings, rules, the trade itself, and (if wanted) a comment from each team on why they think the trade helps them. No owner names will be attached to anything.

Rule Change Vote Number 3: Should we remove the transaction fees and pitch in ‘X’ amount each for party?
Result: FAILED (2-10)
The main reason this was brought to a vote was the high volume of teams with more than 1 owner. The fact is that although all teams pay the same amount of money per transaction, some teams are cashing in on the party for less. I understand that not everyone makes it to the party to begin with and not all teams pitch up the same amount… but something may need to be done to even this out.

Rule Change Vote Number 4: When Should we decide draft order; League Party, Super Bowl, First Day of Camp, 2 Weeks Before Draft. 1 Week Before Draft?
Result: Winner is Two Weeks Prior to Draft (4). Losers: League Party(3), Super Bowl (2), 1 Week Prior to Draft (2), Opening Day of Training Camp (1).
Once the draft day is decided, two weeks prior (not necessarily exactly 2 weeks, but roughly) I will start a group thread and we will announce where we will want to draft.

Pat’s Alternate Standings

If you need to know how this works, refer to the 2014 week 2 update.

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Roster Analysis

Refer to 2014 week one update for a better description of how I calculate this.

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Coaching Analysis

Refer to 2014 week two update for a better description of how I calculate this.

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Weekly Power Rankings

Refer to last week’s update for a better description of how I calculate this.
Also, the 2014 week two update has a little extra information.

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Weekly NFL Pic / Video / Gif

Two very nice one handed grabs this week for TD’s. Wallace (LVU) and Marshall (BEEF), who oddly play each other this week.

Honorable Mention: R. Randle (TM4) with another 1-handed TD, but he uses his other hand at the end.

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SFFL – 2014 – Week 2

Here is the Menu for this week’s update:

So, I had a little extra time to do a write-up this week. That first week is always a pain in the ass, especially getting all of my formula’s and templates ready for the season. Pretty interesting first week to say the least. Instead if droning on about stuff that I have probably already said before, I am going to do a very quick break down of each team. Each breakdown will only be a few sentences on the draft, first week, biggest strength, and biggest weakness. They are complete opinion. Now, I will look at some info regarding ranks and such from other sites, but in the end, it’s all BS. So, don’t take it personally.

I guess I will start with the defending CHAMPS BALSAGNA and work my way down the final standings from 2013.

Draft – Manning, S. Jackson, A. Johnson, MJD, V. Davis, R. Wayne, H. Nicks, M. Austin? Maybe they should change their name to ‘OLD-N-SAGGY BALSAGNA’ … or maybe the wily vets are really the best way to go and will get it done.
Week 1 – Caught a HUGE break this morning with the stat corrections giving them a Tie instead of a loss. 22 was an OK game for Manning, which is nice coming from the 1st rounder.
Strength – Manning
Weakness – RB

MSIDE’s Year
Draft – Personally, I think this was the best (maybe a tie) drafted team. Didn’t really reach for anyone and got some really good steals. Cruz and Ball are some question-marks, but if one of his late round guys pan out, he may not need them.
Week 1 – Highest Score of the week helps solidify my praise of the draft. Orange Julius won’t score 3 every week, but you gotta love what he does in the Red Zone.
Strength – RB
Weakness – Defense

Lawrenceville United
Draft – Really risky draft this year. Tons of Boom/Bust type guys, but many of them are PPR guys. Maybe a reach for Foles, but Kap is a nice second option. Needs the smaller, catching style RB’s to stay healthy.
Week 1 – Solid win against a solid opponent. Getting over 130 is something that can win the regular season. Benjamin was an extremely nice surprise and will be even nicer is the production stays.
Strength – TE
Weakness – Defense

Suck My Ditka
Draft – Had to call in a back-up drafter, but it seems as though things didn’t change much. Some reaches on guys that he would have reached on. Solid WR core if Bowe and Jennings can stay consistent. Gronk is a huge plus and an even bigger one is having Bennett as relief or even a flex option. Should have at least took another RB earlier in the draft to pose as a formidable option.
Week 1 – Not so great week, putting up the lowest score. Really hurting at the RB position right now. Really nice to see Gronk find the endzone and D. Jackson produce, even with Garcon opposite him. Mike Evans with 8 for his first real week of NFL football isn’t bad, but on that team who knows if his production will stay the same, drop, or go up.
Strength – TE
Weakness – RB

Mountain Men (Formerly Foster Kids)
Draft – It was kind of like these guys picked 18 players they wanted to have on a team and just took them. In whatever round they wanted to. Taking that ‘gut-feeling’ to the extreme the team came out of the gates looking really bad in the media. However, two really… really good WR. A QB that makes mistakes, but then usually makes up for them. If the big-play making RB’s get the bulk of snaps, this could be a very dangerous team.
Week 1 – Second highest total for the week, but a really tough break playing the highest. Look forward to seeing if this team can keep some consistency.
Strength – WR
Weakness – TE

The Beefalo’s (Formerly Stuart Scott’s Eye)
Draft – Pretty good draft in terms of getting a mix of reliable and risk/reward players. Stafford could turn out to be one of the best QB’s of the year and Lynch is always very solid. Not really loving the Gore pick with his age, but another ‘older’ RB in Moreno is a risky pick that could pay off.
Week 1 – On the other side of a Stat Correction, this team had a really bad break for the week. STL D was updated to have 0 sacks instead of 1, taking away the 1 point victory and giving them 2… TWO different starters with a goose-egg. Not going to win many weeks when that happens. Bench actually outscored the starters. Yikes.
Strength – WR
Weakness – TE

Cordarrelle Patterson (Formerly Less Than Zero)
Draft – This is a very dangerous team and was my initial choice as the league favorite. The team is full of play-making stud’s. There is only one true issue…. health. Murray, Harvin, and Garcon have all had injuries in the past. Cameron is facing some injury issues now and Patterson plays exactly like Harvin. If they stay healthy, this is another team that should be a tough opponent each week. Cooks with Brees throwing to him should have a really nice year, even with all of the other weapons on the team. The exact same can be said of Sanders… but in his case he may even produce more with Welker’s health and drug problems. The Bengals D is really tough and should have some nice games against division opponents. Finally, Ridley is like a little wildcard. If he does good, it’s like gravy.
Week 1 – Scary Monday night game going up against Megatron, but he was able to hold on. Patterson looked electric and Murray seems to be in great shape. Even though the Cowboys were trash, he was able to shine. Romo should bounce back in big ways, but it is scary seeing that type of game from him.
Strength – WR
Weakness – QB

Keystone St. of Mind
Draft – Earlier I mentioned MSIDE’s Year having possibly the best draft, but with a tie. This is who I have the tie with. Very strong draft with the first two Picks being AP and Bell. Somehow he still ended up with Cam and Cobb. Then, toss in three potential steals in Crabtree, Floyd, and Pitta and you have yourself a contender. I am really pissed off that he took Hopkins right before me and with guys like Jones, J. Rodgers, and Wheaton waiting to break out. He really added some nice depth late in the draft.
Week 1 – Huge blowout win AND bench numbers. Cam didn’t play but it didn’t matter. We got to see some amazing stuff from Bell…. and yeah… he has AP. With those two, it would not surprise me if he get 40+ from the two RB slots each week. That will be hard to beat. Fred Jackson had himself a nice performance on limited touches and Pitta seems to be a PPR monster. Look out, this could end up being the team to beat in a few weeks.
Strength – Everything but Defense
Weakness – Defense

|\/|cNair’s Mayhem
Draft – Looks like a really solid PPR draft with guys like Woodhead, Edelman, Hawkins, and Witten. Brees is a great add and as long as the concussion doesn’t effect his PT, Lacy should be a season long horse. We got to see the patented double early Defense draft strategy. Now, we just wait and see who he gets in a trade.
Week 1 – Really rough first week scoring under 100, but the future definitely looks brighter. I can’t imagine The Cowboys playing any worse, so Witten should see some nice targets. He does have the entire Rams backfield… but I haven’t figured out if that is a good thing or a bad thing. At least he knows he will have a starter there. Lacy should ramp up after a tough Seattle D…. which he has and were able to put up a nice 14 on what is supposed to be a high powered offense.
Strength – Defense / QB
Weakness – RB

Monday Nighshift
Draft – I like the way these owners played drafting their RB’s and WR’s, but still ending up with a potential stud in Cutler. However, I do not really see much depth at any position right now. T. Williams should be a great Flex play each week, but it will be interesting to see what happens when the bye’s start to come into play. Also, if Foster has any issues at all and Sankey is still left in the dark, they could be scrambling for RB help.
Week 1 – Really strong first week from the solid crew of starters. Close game that was back and forth all throughout Sunday. Everyone had really solid games and the 49ers D dominated. Foster and McCoy both looked really good and should see improved output as the season goes on.
Strength – WR
Weakness – Bench

Revis and Butthead
Draft – Run of the mill draft with some stud highlights in Rodgers, Calvin, and potentially Welker and Shorts. The RB position is scary for this team though. After one week of play, if I am being totally honest, I am glad they took Richardson and not me. I thought he would bounce back after having a whole off-season to work with the team. I guess we will need to play the wait and see game on that. Otherwise, Morris should be solid, but nothing spectacular. Jennings I like, but is apparently an injury risk. It looks like they have all the pieces though, they just need to put them together.
Week 1 – Calvin gave them hope with an amazing Monday Night, but it ended up being a tough break. Just by switching the defense they play, they could have won by 20. Looks like they have two solid defense, but just need to get it right each week. At least Rodgers does not have to play Seattle again. That is always nice.
Strength – WR
Weakness – RB

Draft – Overall, I would say solid draft. It’s nice starting with that first pick but it can also be a headache if you don’t get it right. I think in this case, Charles will be fine. Tough first week. Really deep at WR. RB is really a question at this point, even with Charles. The Muscle Hamster needs to stay healthy and everyone else in his RB group is really in a split carry situation, and on the short side of it.
Week 1 – Not the best start with his week 1 expectations, but picking up Gordon could be huge in the long run. Getting that first win is important and with 11 more weeks to go he is only 2 wins away from matching his win total from last year. I guess the real question is… Can Matty Ice keep production up, even if it’s not 38 points every week. He could be a huge savior.
Strength – WR
Weakness – RB


Entry Money Due: Monday October 6, 2014 (End of Week 5)

Trade Deadline: Wednesday November 5, 2014 (Noon)

Playoffs: Week 13 (1st), 14 (2nd), 15 & 16 (Ship)

Year End Party: TBD

Other Dates & Weeks

Week 6 – I will Introduce more Statistics like last year…

  • Probability & Odds
    • Playoff Probability
    • Divisional Probability
    • Championship Probability
    • Graphs
    • Magic Numbers
    • Strength of Schedule
    • Betting Odds

Pick Up Report

Teams that have been granted 6 Free pick-ups due to paying the full amount at the draft… (LVU, KRACK, MSIDE, BUCK, FU, AIR, MNS)
As of 11:22AM Thursday, September 11, 2014
Less Than Zero – 3
Krack – 2
Keystone St. Of Mind – 2
Suck My Ditka – 1
|\/|cNAlR’S Mayhem – 1
Mountain Men – 1
Lawrenceville United – 1
The Beefalo’s – 1
Revis And Butthead – 0
MSIDE’s Year – 0
Monday Nightshift – 0

Last year we ended with $400+

Rule Changes

The voting has begun on the 4 issues at hand. I will compile the results and give a detailed explanation in the Week 3 Update.

Rule Change from Last Year: Refer to last week’s post.

Like last year, Pat will maintain his Alternate Standings Statistics. Basically, it is a point system to determine the league Standings. You earn points 2 points for each head to head win,2 points for finishing in the top 6 points for for the year, and 1 point for having the top 6 points for each week. This system throws divisions out of the window and looks at the league as a whole. Also, it should be noted that as the year progresses the top 6 finished will be more effective since this weeks top 6 scorers are also considered the seasons top 6 scorers. He will also produce each teams standard deviation for points scored. However, this is only 1 week in.

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Roster Analysis

Refer to last week’s update for a better description of how I calculate this.

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Coaching Analysis

This will start after the first week of games is played. I will simply compare what each team’s starting lineup produced compared to what their ‘optimal’ starting lineup would have produced. I will keep track of each week and a season long tally. I also have how many position’s you started your optimal player in out of 9 and a year long tally on that. Finally, I will keep everyone’s record if all lineups are optimal. This will not take into consideration Free Agents. Only rostered players.

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Weekly Rankings

Refer to last week’s update for a better description of how I calculate this.

Also, on top of last week’s longer description. I decided to apply my method of ranking more specifically to the actual ranks. So, you can see how far behind or in front of someone you are in the rankings. Again, this gives a better overall ranking and you can start to see ‘tiers’ of teams. I threw in a column to show how far back of the leader you are (kind of like Games Back). I still have the ‘solid’ rankings.

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Weekly NFL Pic / Video / Gif

Usually this part of the update is something funny, interesting, amazing, or rare that happened the previous week.


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2014 Fantasy Season – Week 1

I wanted to just get this post up as quick as possible this week. Next week I will have a nice intro and some more info on voting and such.


Here is the Menu for this week’s update:


Entry Money Due: Monday October 6, 2014 (End of Week 5)

Trade Deadline: Wednesday November 5, 2014 (Noon)

Playoffs: Week 13, 14, 15&16

Year End Party: TBD

Pick Up Report

Teams that have been granted 6 Free pick-ups due to paying the full amount at the draft… (LVU, KRACK, MSIDE, BUCK, FU, AIR, MNS)
As of 12:07PM Wednesday, September 03, 2014
Less Than Zero – 1
Suck My Ditka – 1
|\/|cNAlR’S Mayhem – 1
Mountain Men – 1
Revis And Butthead – 0
Lawrenceville United – 0
The Beefalo’s – 0
Keystone St. Of Mind – 0
MSIDE’s Year – 0
Monday Nightshift – 0
Krack – 0

Last year we ended with $400+

Other Dates & Weeks

Week 6 – I will Introduce more Statistics like last year…

  • Probability & Odds
    • Playoff Probability
    • Divisional Probability
    • Championship Probability
    • Graphs
    • Magic Numbers
    • Strength of Schedule
    • Betting Odds

Rule Changes

We will vote on any Rule Changes in the coming Week.

Rule Change from Last Year: Next Year’s Draft Order will be determined by this Year’s final standards. The Order does not mean Draft Position Specifically, but means the order you get to choose your position. The Position will be chosen Super Bowl Weekend. Here is how it will work.

Final Place (after Playoffs) Draft Choice
1 (Champion) 12
2 (Lose in Ship) 11
3 (Win 3rd Place Game) 10
4 (Lose 3rd Place Game) 9
5 (Win Consolation Game) 7
6 (Lose Consolation Game) 8
7 (Winner of Losers Bracket) 1
8 (Second in Losers Bracket) 2
9 (Third in Losers Bracket) 3
10 (Fourth in Losers Bracket) 4
11 (Fifth in Losers Bracket) 5
12 (Last in Losers Bracket) 6

Roster Analysis

Here is where I will put the weekly roster rankings. These rankings are based of the average weekly rankings (of multiple weekly ranking sources) for each position and the starters only for each team. Instead of being 1-12, I will use the weekly rank for each player. I feel like this is better because some owners may be starting guys farther down the rankings due to injuries, bye weeks, or other teams just having better guys on their bench. It rewards owners with better benches by forcing other teams to play worse guys.

*Also, most of the year I plan on doing the Update Thursday so it will be based on starting lineups then. If people have not updated their lineup from byes and injuries I will assume the ‘best’ available bench player will be started.

Week 1 Roster Analysis

Week 1 Roster Analysis – click to enlarge

Coaching Analysis

This will start after the first week of games is played. I will simply compare what each team’s starting lineup produced compared to what their ‘perfect’ starting lineup would have produced. I will keep track of each week and a season long tally. This will not take into consideration Free Agents. Only rostered players.

Weekly Rankings

I changed the power ranks up a good bit this year.
First, the 6 categories that go into calculating the Power Ranks are as follows.
Your Starters Value for the upcoming week, Win-Loss Streak, Points from the last 3 weeks, FantasySP Full Team Rating, and FantasyPros Team Rankings. All of these things are added and divided by 6 to get your average rank. From there I just rank 1-12.

You will see that two of the 6 categories are not simply 1-12 ratings, but have some decimals. This year I created an algorithm for these categories to show you how close or far you are from the people in front and behind you. For Instance, you will see below that CHAMPS have a Starter ranking of 9.44. The team above them, Suck My Ditka, has a 9.01. The team below them, Mountain Men, has a 12. This essentially mean that CHAMPS are much closer to jumping ahead of SMD than the Mountain Men are to jumping ahead of the CHAMPS. In short is shows how far away from the pack the Mountain Men really are.

Enough Talking…

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13′ Fantasy Playoffs . Round 1 Preview + Goodies

Finally. Congrats to the other 5 of you who have made it to the post season. Extra Congrats to Foster Kids for finding a new home in the first round. One of the craziest stories I have personally seen. I am not going to waste any more time here so check out all the stats and such I put together for this week.

2015 Calendar Info:

  • January – Revis & Butthead
  • February – Monday Nightshift
  • March – Suck My Ditka
  • April – Keystone St. of Mind
  • May – Lawrenceville United
  • June –
  • July – Less Than Zero
  • August –
  • September –
  • October – |\/|cNair’s Mayhem
  • November –
  • December – BLACK BALSAGNA

Moving along…


Money Due: Monday October 14, 2013 (End of Week 6) PASSED
Trade Deadline: Wednesday November 6, 2013 (Noon) PASSED
Playoffs: Week 13, 14, 15&16 – THE TIME IS NOW
Transaction Money Due: Start of Week 16 – Thursday, December 19, 2013
Year End Party: During the NFL Playoffs

Pick Up Report

As of 8:41AM Friday November 29, 2013
Revis And Butthead – 16 – (+100)
Lawrenceville United – 14 (+80)
Less Than Zero – 11 (+50)
Keystone St. Of Mind – 11 (+50)
Suck My Ditka – 9 (+40)
|\/|cNAlR’S Mayhem – 8 (+20)
MSIDE’s Year – 8 (+20)
Stuart Scott’s Eye – 7 (+10)
Monday Nightshift – 6
Krack – 6
Foster Kids – 5

That leaves us with 430 for the moment. Finished +400 last year.

So, by vote we have decided to go with an NFL Playoffs party Post-Fantasy Season.

  • Week of December 14th – Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.
  • Sometime after Christmas – During the NFL Playoffs

Vote Results (so far)
Week 15: ii (2)
NFL Playoffs: iiiii (5)
Either: iiiii (5)

Playoff Options:
I think it’s safe to say that most people want to watch some playoff games and do not want to do it on a Sunday. So here are our options for the Party when there are NFL games on the Saturday.

Saturday January 4th, 2014
Saturday January 11th, 2014

Season Rankings

About: Made up of the fantasysp team rating, fantasysp starter ranking, Points scored the previous three weeks, the current weeks projected point total, and Staudt’s own ranking.
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Pat’s Alternate Standings

About: This ranking takes into account whether you had a top 6 finish that week, and gives you a point if you did so. It also gives a team an extra 2 points if the team is in the top 6 in points at the end of the year. Wins are worth 2 points, ties are worth 1, and losses are worth 0 (sorry Krack). I think it get’s skewed a little bit when you add in the total points for, but I feel that in a true points system, that aspect should be counted.

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Weekly Rankings

About: When I put together these rankings I take an average ranking for this weeks players and match them up against the rest of the league. Each starting position is matched up against every other team. Every position is ranked. QB, RB1, RB2, WR1, WR2, FLEX, TE, D, and K.
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Championship Probability & Odds

Championship Probabilities & Graph

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Futures Odds (For the Gamblers)

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Divisional Pro-Bowl Teams

Sex Division 2013 Pro-Bowl Selections

QBManning284|\/|cNair's Mayhem
RBForte226Revis & Butthead
TECameron156MSIDEs Year
FLEXJohnson206MSIDEs Year
DEF/STChiefs175|\/|cNair's Mayhem
KGostkowski120|\/|cNair's Mayhem
Made up of players from MSIDEs Year, Revis & Butthead, BLACK BALSAGNA, and |\/|cNair's Mayhem

Drugs Division 2012 Pro-Bowl Selections

RBMcCoy199Keystone St. of Mind
RBWoodhead159Monday Nightshift
WRBrown219Monday Nightshift
WRWelker180Monday Nightshift
TEGraham229Keystone St. of Mind
FLEXJeffery173Foster Kids
DEF/STCinci D152Krack
KTucker107Foster Kids
Made up of players from Foster Kids, Keystone St. Of Mind, Monday Nightshift, and Krack

House Division 2013 Pro-Bowl Selections

QBStafford234Stuart Scott's Eye
RBMoreno208Suck My Ditka
RBBeastmode191Stuart Scott's Eye
WRGreen208Stuart Scott's Eye
WRMega258Lawrenceville United
TEThomas163Lawrenceville United
FLEXNelson199Stuart Scott's Eye
DEF/STHawks D165Less Than Zero
KPrater113Lawrenceville United
Made up of players from Lawrenceville United, Stuart Scott's Eye, Suck My Ditka, and Less Than Zero

Coaching Stats

*I did not have time to compile these stats this week, but they will be done next week.

Regular Season Stat’s & Info

*Same as above

Weekly High and Low Scores

YearWeekHigh ScoreOwnerLow ScoreOwner
20125140Staudt & Krack (Tie)75Akoz
20117163Staudt71Akoz & Justin/Kenny (Tie)
201111141Keith75Akoz & Dill (Tie)
20103176John82Keith & Kurt
20109154Krack91Justin/Kenny & Pat (Tie)
20091144Jordan & Matt (Tie)63Nate
20155148Justin/Kenny & Walt/Beiber89John
A rundown of every week since 2009 of the High and Low Scorer of the Week

Playoff Stat’s & Info

>2009 Was an odd year because we still had only 4 teams and 2 weeks for each round.
>This counts appearances this year, but obviously no games were complete yet.
>This also counts third place games into GP/Points/ etc… I decided to include it since it’s still for money. If you were eliminated in the first round, your 5th and 6th place games don’t matter.
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NFL Videos/Images/Gifs of the Week

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Player Spotlight


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Week 12 – Where Will You Finish?

The final week is finally here. 5/6 Teams have clinched. Not 1 Single Playoff Spot is locked.

The 6th spot in (or third spot in terms of Standings) comes down to Foster Kids and Keystone St. of Mind. A Keystone win or FK loss ensures Keystone the playoff birth. In order for FK to get in they need to win, have a Keystone loss, and outscore them by 27 this week.

As for the other 5 spots. Every single team who has clinched has a chance at getting the Bye. MSIDEs Year and United just need to win. Everyone else needs a little help.

#Stuey enjoyed the top spot for a week, but surrendered it to #LVU, who has taken 1st for the first time this year.

2015 Calendar Info:

  • January – Revis & Butthead
  • February – Monday Nightshift
  • March – Suck My Ditka
  • April – Keystone St. of Mind
  • May – Lawrenceville United
  • June –
  • July – Less Than Zero
  • August –
  • September –
  • October – |\/|cNair’s Mayhem
  • November –
  • December – BLACK BALSAGNA

Moving along…


Money Due: Monday October 14, 2013 (End of Week 6) PASSED
Trade Deadline: Wednesday November 6, 2013 (Noon) PASSED

Playoffs: Week 13, 14, 15&16

Year End Party: During the NFL Playoffs

Pick Up Report

As of 10:23AM Sunday November 24, 2013
Revis And Butthead – 16 – (+100)
Lawrenceville United – 14 (+80)
Less Than Zero – 11 (+50)
Keystone St. Of Mind – 11 (+50)
Suck My Ditka – 9 (+40)
|\/|cNAlR’S Mayhem – 8 (+20)
MSIDE’s Year – 7 (+10)
Stuart Scott’s Eye – 7 (+10)
Monday Nightshift – 6
Krack – 6
Foster Kids – 5

That leaves us with 420 for the moment. Finished +400 last year.

So, by vote we have decided to go with an NFL Playoffs party Post-Fantasy Season.

  • Week of December 14th – Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.
  • Sometime after Christmas – During the NFL Playoffs

Vote Results (so far)
Week 15: ii (2)
NFL Playoffs: iiiii (5)
Either: iiiii (5)

Playoff Options:
I think it’s safe to say that most people want to watch some playoff games and do not want to do it on a Sunday. So here are our options for the Party when there are NFL games on the Saturday.

Saturday January 4th, 2014
Saturday January 11th, 2014

Season Rankings

About: Made up of the fantasysp team rating, fantasysp starter ranking, Points scored the previous three weeks, the current weeks projected point total, and Staudt’s own ranking.
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Pat’s Alternate Standings

About: This ranking takes into account whether you had a top 6 finish that week, and gives you a point if you did so. It also gives a team an extra 2 points if the team is in the top 6 in points at the end of the year. Wins are worth 2 points, ties are worth 1, and losses are worth 0 (sorry Krack). I think it get’s skewed a little bit when you add in the total points for, but I feel that in a true points system, that aspect should be counted.

N/A this week.

Mahon’s Consistency Rankings

About: The lower the Standard deviation, the more consistent you’re team points were week to week. These are only regular season averages and standard deviations. These ranks can be considered to be skewed because it weighs average points and consistency equally.

2013 -Week 11 Consistency Ranks provided by J. Mahon. – Click to Enlarge

Weekly Rankings

About: When I put together these rankings I take an average ranking for this weeks players and match them up against the rest of the league. Each starting position is matched up against every other team. Every position is ranked. QB, RB1, RB2, WR1, WR2, FLEX, TE, D, and K.
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Probability & Odds

Playoff Probabilities & Graph

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Divisional Probabilities & Graph

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Championship Probabilities & Graph

Click to Enlarge

Magic Numbers

Suck My Ditka – Clinched
Stuart Scott’s Eye – Clinched
Lawrenceville United – Clinched (1 for Division)
MSIDEs Year – Clinched (1 for Division)
Keystone St. of Mind – 1 (1 for Division)

BLACK BALSAGNA can Technically miss if they lose, Less Than Zero Wins, and Less Than Zero Outscores them by 173.
Foster Kids will get in over Keystone with a Win, Keystone Loss, and 27 more points this week.

Everyone else is done.

Strength of Schedule

Adjusted Win Percentage— The SOS Adjusted winning percentage is a team’s winning percentage neutralized for the strength of all its opponents. It suggests what percentage of the time this team would win against a balanced schedule.
Total SOS: Full Season
Rest SOS: Games Remiaining
For the two SOS above… the higher the number, the harder the schedule.
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Futures Odds (For the Gamblers)

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NFL Videos/Images/Gifs of the Week

Source for all: Joe Bryant

Player Spotlight

WEEK 12: The Bus

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Week 11 – Down to the Wire

One more person (Mahon) has been officially eliminated* from post season play. The defending Champ is done and there is no longer a threat of the first three time Champ or first B2B Champ. It was a good run, but in the end Manning was just not enough to get him to the next level. It really is a shame to see him go already, especially with the 4th most points in the league and over 100 more points against than the next guy. 102 to be exact. Some times fantasy can be a real SOB.

*This is true because one team must make it from the Drugs division. 3 teams have 6 or more wins in the House division (Taking 2 Wildcard spots). Even if Air wins out and BB and RB lose out. BB has the tie, which will result in a better win %, thus getting the nod.

The odds have updated with an interesting shake up.

The reigning first place team has finally took a back seat… Bambi has led the way since week 6. Dill preceding him. Welcome to the top Stuey.

Moving along…


Money Due: Monday October 14, 2013 (End of Week 6) PASSED
Trade Deadline: Wednesday November 6, 2013 (Noon) PASSED

Playoffs: Week 13, 14, 15&16

Year End Party: During the NFL Playoffs

Pick Up Report

As of 10:55AM Thursday November 14, 2013
Revis And Butthead – 16 – (+100)
Lawrenceville United – 13 (+70)
Less Than Zero – 11 (+50)
Keystone St. Of Mind – 11 (+50)
Suck My Ditka – 9 (+40)
|\/|cNAlR’S Mayhem – 8 (+20)
MSIDE’s Year – 7 (+10)
Stuart Scott’s Eye – 7 (+10)
Monday Nightshift – 6
Krack – 6
Foster Kids – 5

That leaves us with 410 for the moment. Finished +400 last year.

So, by vote we have decided to go with an NFL Playoffs party Post-Fantasy Season.

  • Week of December 14th – Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.
  • Sometime after Christmas – During the NFL Playoffs

Vote Results (so far)
Week 15: ii (2)
NFL Playoffs: iiiii (5)
Either: iiiii (5)

Playoff Options:
I think it’s safe to say that most people want to watch some playoff games and do not want to do it on a Sunday. So here are our options for the Party when there are NFL games on the Saturday.

Saturday January 4th, 2014
Saturday January 11th, 2014

I will cast a vote this weekend and post the results in next weeks update.

Season Rankings

About: Made up of the fantasysp team rating, fantasysp starter ranking, Points scored the previous three weeks, the current weeks projected point total, and Staudt’s own ranking.

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Pat’s Alternate Standings

About: This ranking takes into account whether you had a top 6 finish that week, and gives you a point if you did so. It also gives a team an extra 2 points if the team is in the top 6 in points at the end of the year. Wins are worth 2 points, ties are worth 1, and losses are worth 0 (sorry Krack). I think it get’s skewed a little bit when you add in the total points for, but I feel that in a true points system, that aspect should be counted.

Week 11 Alternate Standings

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Mahon’s Consistency Rankings

About: The lower the Standard deviation, the more consistent you’re team points were week to week. These are only regular season averages and standard deviations. These ranks can be considered to be skewed because it weighs average points and consistency equally.

2013 -Week 11 Consistency Ranks provided by J. Mahon. – Click to Enlarge

Weekly Rankings

About: When I put together these rankings I take an average ranking for this weeks players and match them up against the rest of the league. Each starting position is matched up against every other team. Every position is ranked. QB, RB1, RB2, WR1, WR2, FLEX, TE, D, and K.

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Probability & Odds

Playoff Probabilities & Graph

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Divisional Probabilities & Graph

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Championship Probabilities & Graph

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Click to Enlarge

Magic Numbers

Suck My Ditka – 0.5
Stuart Scott’s Eye – 0.5
Lawrenceville United – 1
MSIDEs Year – 1.5 (2 for Division)
Keystone St. of Mind – (1.5 for Division)

House Division: Division winner cannot be determined by a Magic Number since EYE and SMD have the same record and do not play again. If they finish with the same record the tiebreak will come down to Total Points for the year.

Everyone else needs wins and help.

Strength of Schedule

Adjusted Win Percentage— The SOS Adjusted winning percentage is a team’s winning percentage neutralized for the strength of all its opponents. It suggests what percentage of the time this team would win against a balanced schedule.
Total SOS: Full Season
Rest SOS: Games Remiaining
For the two SOS above… the higher the number, the harder the schedule.

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Futures Odds (For the Gamblers)

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NFL Videos/Images/Gifs of the Week

Seriously though… QB Dance Party. Some of which, are too cut up.

Player Spotlight


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Week 10 – Divisional Games Are Here + Odds

Well boys, this is it. 3 Weeks left, all divisional games, and 11/12 people still have a chance. The intensity of the next three weeks is at an all time high. Who will get in? Who will get snubbed? Who will get the Byes? It all comes down to this. With how tight the divisions are, one loss can make or break your chances.

The trade deadline is over and their obviously needed to be at least one trade get shot down. We will “officially” vote on how to handle trades that include officially eliminated players in the coming weeks.

Other than that you obviously know that I have some new stuff for the update. So read everything, enjoy the stats, and good luck going forward.

Few Tid-Bits From Pat on the Season So Far…
Fact 1: Highest Score of the Year: Week 8 – Pat w/ 175
Fact 2: Lowest Score of the Year: Week 3 – Bambi w/ 51
Fact 3: Average Score of the Year: 117.6
Fact 4: Staudt is the only person to score at least 100 points every week this year. (My personal Favorite)


Money Due: Monday October 14, 2013 (End of Week 6) PASSED

Trade Deadline: Wednesday November 6, 2013 (Noon) PASSED

Playoffs: Week 13, 14, 15&16

Year End Party: TBD

Pick Up Report

As of 12:41PM Thursday November 7, 2013
Revis And Butthead – 16 – (+100)
BLACK BALSAGNA – 11 – (+60)
Lawrenceville United – 11 (+50)
Less Than Zero – 11 (+50)
Suck My Ditka – 9 (+40)
|\/|cNAlR’S Mayhem – 8 (+20)
Keystone St. Of Mind – 8 (+20)
MSIDE’s Year – 7 (+10)
Stuart Scott’s Eye – 7 (+10)
Monday Nightshift – 6
Krack – 6
Foster Kids – 4

That leaves us with 360 for the moment. Finished +400 last year.

So, right now it’s looking like we have two options in terms of weekends.

  • Week of December 14th – Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.
  • Sometime after Christmas – During the NFL Playoffs

I honestly don’t care which one we do. If we do during a playoff game the fantasy year will be over already, but that doesn’t matter. If we do the first option, I believe it would be week 15… the first week of the Championship. Start getting together what you prefer and if you can do either.

Vote Results (so far)
Week 15: ii (2)
NFL Playoffs: iii (3)
Either: iiiii (5)

Season Rankings

About: Made up of the fantasysp team rating, fantasysp starter ranking, Points scored the previous three weeks, the current weeks projected point total, and Staudt’s own ranking.

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Click to Enlarge

Pat’s Alternate Standings

About: This ranking takes into account whether you had a top 6 finish that week, and gives you a point if you did so. It also gives a team an extra 2 points if the team is in the top 6 in points at the end of the year. Wins are worth 2 points, ties are worth 1, and losses are worth 0 (sorry Krack). I think it get’s skewed a little bit when you add in the total points for, but I feel that in a true points system, that aspect should be counted.

Click to Enlarge

Mahon’s Consistency Rankings

About: The lower the Standard deviation, the more consistent you’re team points were week to week. These are only regular season averages and standard deviations. These ranks can be considered to be skewed because it weighs average points and consistency equally.

2013 -Week 8 Consistency Ranks provided by J. Mahon. – Click to Enlarge

Weekly Rankings

About: When I put together these rankings I take an average ranking for this weeks players and match them up against the rest of the league. Each starting position is matched up against every other team. Every position is ranked. QB, RB1, RB2, WR1, WR2, FLEX, TE, D, and K.

Click to Enlarge

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Probability & Odds

Playoff Probabilities

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Divisional Probabilities

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Championship Probabilities

Click to Enlarge

Some Graphs

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Magic Numbers

Suck My Ditka – 1 (2.5 for Division)
Stuart Scott’s Eye – 2
Lawrenceville United – 2.5
Revis and Butthead – 3
MSIDEs Year – 3
Keystone St. of Mind 3 (2.5 for Division)

Everyone else needs wins and help.

Strength of Schedule

Adjusted Win Percentage— The SOS Adjusted winning percentage is a team’s winning percentage neutralized for the strength of all its opponents. It suggests what percentage of the time this team would win against a balanced schedule.

Total SOS: Full Season
Rest SOS: Games Remiaining
For the two SOS above… the higher the number, the harder the schedule.
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Futures Odds (For the Gamblers)

Click to Enlarge

NFL Video/Image/Gif of the Week

Player Spotlight

WEEK 10: Rod Woodson

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