
the original

Fantasy Week 3

Well well well. This has been a very interesting week to say the least. We had Sweaty Balsagna go from the High with 169 to possibly a record low of 57. We had three huge trade’s that included the names Welker, Matthews, Green, Jackson, McGahee, and the number 3 (as in RG3). The defending champ, myself, is 0-2. Bambi is 2-0. And the first round of Divisional match-ups will come to an end this week.

I am also happy to see that most of you ended up filling out your trading block for others to go by.

Aside from the trading block I encourage people to check the ESPN site at least once a week, preferably Thursday before the night game starts and vote on any trades that have been accepted. In the case that a trade may include players that are involved in the Thursday night game, the two teams can ask me to send out a text and get everyone’s vote so that I can process the trade in time for the game. The two day wait period for trades to process is simply used so that people have time to vote on the trade. I, as league manager, can see the number of votes for ‘Allow’ or ‘Veto’ but I cannot see who voted what. If, AT ANY POINT I see that a trade has 7 ‘Allow’ votes I will process the trade. With that being said, if, AT ANY POINT I see that a trade has 6 ‘Veto’ votes, I will cancel trade on the site, notify the league, and send the trade information to the Trade Panel to further review. They will get back to me within 24 hours with their decision and…. if it passes I will edit the team rosters without the two involved needing to go through the whole Send/Accept/Wait phase… if it fails I will do nothing, but either way I will send out a text notifying everyone of the result and will include the panels review in words on the next update(on my site) and also in the message board.

Anyways, this week we have the likes of Kenny and Justin for Kurt’s Interview, 5 Quick Questions, Power Rank, and the Weekly Photo/Video.

I also added a ‘Pick-Up Report’ section directly below the Deadlines.

Finally, I will be sending out a text to everyone regarding a league vote for next season.
Q: Should we pay out the highest scoring team for each week?
A) Yes: up the entrance fee by a buck or two each week (i.e. $16-32).
B) Yes: but leave the entrance fee where it is and take a percentage from that.
C) No: no weekly payout.
D) I have another idea.


Money Due: Monday October 15, 2012 (End of Week 6)

Trade Deadline: Wednesday November 7, 2012 (Noon)

Playoffs: Week 13, 14, 15&16

Year End Party: TBD

Pick-Up Report
As of 7:30PM on 20 September 2012
Lawrenceville United: 4
Revis and Butthead: 4
Suck My Ditka: 4
Sweaty BALSAGNA: 2
C[][]L BREES: 2
Krack: 1
Stuart Scott’s Eye: 1
No One RUns With My Bulls: 1
Discount Double Check: 1

Kurt’s Weekly Interview:

Kenny Martin (Monday NightShift) – @KamKenniff
Justin Crawford (Monday NightShift)

(Best pictures I could get)

(Ku)rt: After two weeks of play how are you feeling about your team? Specifically, your team has scored a good number of points in the first two weeks and you guys run out a solid starting lineup, but are you worried about your teams depth (seemingly due to significant injuries)?

(KJ): We feel good about our team and our chances this year. Any teams depth can be tested by injuries, we’re not too worried about that.

(Ku): I find your team interesting, so I am going to steal from the commissioner; five quick questions: Who scores more points this season, Mike Vick or Alex Smith?; Who scores more points Gronk or Graham?; Will Jackson miss more or less than 3 games? Will Demaryius be a top five receiver by years end? Will Ingram ever be productive, (i.e. more than 10 points per week)?

(KJ): Vick because of his rushing yards but both QB’s are solid. Flip a coin, I feel they’ll be fairly similar in output. He’ll miss two games this season, one because of a sore Achilles and a second because his dog will die. If Manning keeps looking his way then yes he will. He got 11 points last week, next question.

(Ku): You seem to be the main team that is taking advantage of the change to the flex position (adding the TE). Did you guys go into the draft with the intention of drafting two top tight ends or did the draft itself determine your decision of grabbing both Gronk and Graham?

(KJ): We had talked about how we’d take advantage of this if we had the chance but it wasn’t our top priority. The draft unfolded how it did and we just picked the players we felt would put up the most points.

(Ku): Many fantasy games are determined by small margins. With that in mind, I have noticed that most owners, including myself, don’t give a second thought to the kicker position, but there are a few kickers doing much better than many of the players that people are starting. Those few extra points could be the determining factor between a win and loss. So, what type of attention do you guys give to the kicker position (insignificant or not)? Explain.

(KJ): We just picked Hartley because he was a kicker on a high scoring team. We really don’t put too much thought into who’s racking up points at that position.

(Ku): Who wins each division and why? Where do you finish in your division and why? Who finishes with the best and worst records and why?

(KJ): Picking Revis and Butthead to win the Drugs division because of Megatron and Manning to Cruz connection. We’re picking Andrew and the boys from Balsagna to win the Sex division barring anymore two point games from that douche canoe Jay Cutler. We’re winning our division because we said so. M-Sides year will finish with the worst record due to the lack of production we think he’ll get from some of his players. As far as best record, that will be us. If you put a mic in anyone’s face and they name any team but their own as the best, Staudt should hand them their pink slip right then and there.

(Ku):Dual ownership is always an interesting thing to me. So, I have a couple questions regarding that subject:
How do you make decisions regarding trades, draft day and waiver pickup?

(KJ): We just put two of the greatest minds in fantasy football together and get shit done.

(Ku): Have you guys ever had a serious disagreement and how was it resolved? Be detailed as possible.

(KJ): We once got into a scuffle over who’d get the last mozzarella stick. We settled that dispute inside the octagon.

(Ku): Being dual owners must mean that you guys are pretty close buddies. I want you guys to reveal one thing about yourselves that the other would not know and then let us all know.

(Justin): Every third Wednesday of each month I lead an expedition into the Pacific Northwest to look for Bigfoot.

(Ken): I sold Whitney Houston her last 8ball… And snorted it with her.

(Ku): Post a picture, video or both that best characterizes, exemplifies or epitomizes the type of relationship that you two have (or the tandem that you are) as owners.


(Ku): Winners/losers? High score/low score?

Keef > Patrick
Michael > Walter & Mark
Andrew > Nathan
Kevin > Bricksquad
Jack > Kurt
Us > Dillon

High Score : Monday Nightshift
Low Score : M-Sides Year

5 Quick Questions
1: Beef, Chicken, or Fish?
2: Pats @ Ravens?
3: Favorite current TV show?
4: Player who is the most surprising after two weeks (good or bad)?
5: If your house is on fire and you can only grab one thing (no pets or humans), what do you grab and why?


1: Chicken

2: Ravens
3: SportsCenter
4: RG3
5: My softball bag and because I’m trying to be the next Chris Conrad


1: N/A
2: N/A
3: N/A
4: N/A
5: N/A


1: Beef
2: Ravens
3: The Walking Dead
4: D. Thomas
5: PS3, probably because it’s the most expensive thing I own.


1: Fish
2: Pats
3: Parenthood
4: RG3, not surprised he’s doing good but surprised he’s the number 1 QB
5: My “mother nature dream child” I bought at the hoover dam. It said it was made by Indians. Probably really made in China. regardless of it’s origin, it is my lucky charm.


1: STEAK! (Beef)
2: Pats
3: Good Morning America
4: CJ Spiller
5: My dads American Flag and my Inspector Gadget Action Figure because I could never get them back, everything else is replaceable.


1: Beef
2: Pats
3: Walking Dead
4: C.J. Spiller
5: My car keys so I have somewhere to sleep since my house burnt down.


1: Chicken
2: Pats
3: MNF
4: RG3
5: All my fitted’s because each one has sentimental value.


1: Chicken
2: Ravens
3: Big Bang Theory
4: David Wilson Bad
5: PS3, it’s a life saver.


1: Beef if I must choose
2: Pats
3: First 48
4: CJnoK
5: Mu lucky rabbits foot. Maybe it would save my season 🙂


1: Fish
2: Ravens
3: Boardwalk Empire
4: Chris Johnson
5: iPhone because it’s the most expensive thing I own and I could use it to buy some of my other stuff back.


1: Chicken Beef
2: Pats
3: Walking Dead, but if you mean currently airing, The Voice.
4: Gotta say RG3
5: I would grab either my Jingle Jugs or Deodorant.


1: Beef
2: Pats
3: Breaking Bad
4: CJ Spiller and RGiii
5: I would grab a fire extinguisher and some my stuff!


1: Fish
2: Ravens
3: Boardwalk Empire
4: CJ(wishes he played like Spiller) and DaMn I Can’t run the ball. Yeah, DMC had 13 catches in week 1, but they have 1.1 and 2.1 YPC respectively. That’s 45 carries for a grand total of 75 yards combined. Ohh, and no TD’s either.
5: One thing? iPod case.


1: Beef
2: Ravens
3: The Walking Dead
4: Danny Amendola can go fuck himself
5: A fire extinguisher, I would then proceed to put out the fire like a responsible adult.

Week 2 Power Ranks
What a big shake-up from last week. I added in a column for the differences from the previous week.

Image/Video of the Week: Hoodie Guy Videobombs Smith and Crabtree after Sunday Night Game



Fantasy Week 2

As far as league news goes there is nothing major to report besides the fact that all entrance fees due by the end of week 6.

In this weeks update Kurt has interviewed Dill, we have 5 quick Q’s, and an updated power rankings after week 1.

I will also introduce a new section at the end of each update. It will be a video or picture from the previous week that is of interest and more than likely taken from something on reddit.


Money Due: Monday October 15, 2012 (End of Week 6)

Trade Deadline: Wednesday November 7, 2012 (Noon)

Playoffs: Week 13, 14, 15&16

Year End Party: TBD

Kurt’s Weekly Interview:

Dill Buck (No One Runs With My BULLS) – @KnuckIFuBUCKley

(K)urt: So Dillion, let’s catch up. What have you been up to this past off-season? Have you taken some time off to come back focused for a title run this year or something else?

(D)ill: I wish I had time to shut down the engine, cool off and restart but that just didn’t happen. I’ve been too busy going to school, work, working out and having a girlfriend…but that’s no excuse not to be ready for the second greatest thing to Jesus…winning that trophy and getting to make sweet sweet love to Uncle Micks work of art.

(K): After week one how do you feel about your team? On a scale from 1 to 10 what was your confidence level after the draft and what is it now? Why?

(D): (6) I felt very confidant with my team but I can’t get my panties in a bunch yet because I lost to a very well-managed team in “|\/|cNAlR’S Mayhem.” He’s been in the playoffs the past few years and I learned it’s going to take a little more to beat him. So I had to deal a few players to build my team stronger and now id rate it like an 8.7.

(K): Looking at your quarterback situation I find an interesting situation with Flacco and rivers? Who do you see as being the better fantasy player the rest of the way, and how good will each one be (average point per week basis)?

(D): I had no intentions on starting Joe over Phil just because I drafted Phil and he had a very disappointing year last year and just didn’t seem himself. But since Joey is playing at such a high level with this new offense it’s going to be hard to choose a starter each week unless someone can change that *coughTradecough*. I’m going with Phillip to have a better season with a 17.6 appw.

(K): How do you feel that your division will shake down? Who finishes in what places and why?

(D): I feel like I have the toughest division in the league.

1. Monday Nightshift

2. Me

3. McNairs Mayhem

4. C[][]L Brees

(K): Who has the toughest division and weakest division and why?

(D): The HOUSE division is gonna be the toughest in the league and there may be 3 teams that come out of it. The worse division is SEX. Besides “Sweaty Balsagna” that division doesn’t impress me AT ALL.

(K): Who will win it all and who will have the worst record and why?

(D): Well of course I have to go with myself because if you would invest a Benjamin in to a fantasy football league and not think you’re going to win it all you’re just outta you mind (even tho that’s what Bambi’s dumb-ass does, lol) that’s me saying “Suck My Ditka” will be last.

(K): Interesting teams names are always apart of fantasy footballs but in our league I feel that their are some particularly clever ones. Rank the team names from worst to first. Also with the worst team give a suggestion for that owner of a new one?

12. Discount Double Check- I fucking hate that celebration…this is STEELER COUNTRY!! (More than LUCK )
11. Sweaty Balsagna- CHANGE THAT PICTURE
10. Krack
9. Mside’s Year
8. Monday Nightshift
7. Mcnairs Mayhem
6. C[][]L Brees
5. Lawrenceville United
4. NO One runs with my Bulls
3. revis and Butthead
2. Suck My ditka
1. Stuart Scott’s Eye

(K): I noticed that you have a new name, “no one runs why my bulls.” Post a picture or video of a bull that represent that baddest bull/player on your team?


(K): Tell us your best joke.

(D): Guy goes to the casino, blows all his money and all he has left Is the money to pay for a taxi and his plane ticket…but he’s feeling lucky and knows he’ll when so he bets the last of his money on blackjack but his luck didn’t change and he loses. So he walks outside and sees a taxi, goes up to him and says ” can you please give me a ride back to the airport, I have no money and have no way to get to the airport and the taxi driver says “Get the fuck outta my cab you fucking asshole, have fun walking to the airport.” so the guy finally finds a way to the airport and gets home…..5 years later the guy goes back to the casino and just blows the roof off the place and wins thousands,  so he’s walks out the casino and there’s 10 taxis  lined up and noticed the taxi driver that fucked him last time. So the guy goes to the first taxi driver and ask “how much to the airport? Taxi driver responds “20$.” then the guy ask “how much for a blowjob?” taxi: “get the fuck outta my cab you fucking faggot.” so the guy gets out and goes to the next cab and does the same thing and so on and so until he get to the driver that fucked him last time and ask “how much to the airport?” driver: “20$” guy says “OK.” the taxi driver pulls off and as he passes all of his fellow colleagues and the guy in the back has a big smile on his face and his thumb up the whole way down the line

(K): Lastly, predictions. Who wins and loses. Highest and lowest scores?


High Score: Discount Double Check 145

Low Score: Stuart Scott’s Eye 90

Lawrenceville United > Revis and Butthead

No One Runs With My Bulls > C[][]L Brees

Krack > Staurt Scott’s Eye

Discount Double Check > MSide’s Year

Sweaty Balsagna > Suck My Ditka

Monday Nightshift > McNairs Mayhem


5 Quick Questions
1: Do you feel better, worse, or the same about your team from last week?
2: Player you are most excited for after week 1?
3: Favorite place to watch the games?
4: Denver Broncos @ Atlanta Falcons?
5: At 72-69 (now 72-70), will the Pirates finish above .500?


1: Feel a lot better with my team and the depth of my team 2: Al. Morris 3: I work during every game 4: Atlanta 5: We will sweep the braves to end the season above .500


1: Worse 2: Cobb 3: My House 4: Atl 5: No


1: Better 2: D. Thomas 3: Anywhere with Sunday Ticket 4: Denver 5: Yes


1: Feel the same 2: Coby Fleener 3: (Shameless plug) J&L Grill Compnay on East Carson Street between 28th and the Hot Metal Bridge. Good wings, 30 drafts, 100 bottles, and the smokey city burger is bomb 4: Denver 5: No 80-82, because they are dicks like that


1: I’m pretty happy after this trade, just need big plays outta my WR 2: Rivers 3: Anywhere BUT my house 4: Peyton’s Broncos 5: WILDCARD BABY!!!! No fairweatherness.


1: Better 2: A.P., this is a dude that went 1st overall the last few years and we were able to get him pretty late. 3: Steves 4: Denver 5: Below for sure, burn the Jolly Rodger.


1: Better 2: Spiller 3: Steves 4: Denver 5: Fuck no.


1: Same, just need another RB to compliment Gore 2: The Manning-Cruz connection I feel will get me the points they should 3: Any bar or at home with beer and wings 4: Atl 5: Yes


1: Worse 2: Peyton (Beeeeeast) 3: Somewhere with a few buds and cases 4: Denver 5: Nope 79-83 dam shame


1: Worse, need depth at RB 2: Tamme 3: Home, so I can stay focused. 4: Atlanta 5: Above .500


1: Same 2: Julio 3: It varies, I like a lot of joints. 4: Atlanta 5: Absolutely……..NOT


1: Definitely better. Week 1 is always stressful and I feel like my team still has room to improve. 2: M. Ryan, He absolutely killed it, but I’m dreading playing ‘the worst team in the league’ Sweaty Balsagna in week 7 against Julio. 3: No favorite place, but I just spent the past Sunday @ Kennywood. I was going up the Phantom Revenges first hill at about 3mph and was pretty nervous. I checked my phone and I was beating Mike by 50 points and I just knew everything was going to be okay. 4: Atlanta easily, Matt Ryan another 30 pts, done deal. 5: 80-82


1: Same, tough loss in week one, but overall happy with everyones production. 2: Marshall 3: Depends. I really like sitting back with my laptop and Fantasycast, but at the same time it’s always nice to around some friends, talk shit and have some good beers. 4: Falcons 5: Above .500! We are still in this race, which is hard to believe, but the Dodgers and Cards keep losing as well. Every series, including the red hot Brewers is huge.


1: Same 2: Al Smith 3: The Martin Residence, preferable when they’re not home 4: Denver 5: Not at all, son.

Week 1 Power Ranks
Little different from last year as well. Took the Team and Starters from FantasySP, the last 3 weeks performance and my rank all from last season. Added in the weekly projection. averaged everything out again.

Week 1 Power Ranks

Image/Video of the Week: The MEGATRON EFFECT



Pre-Season Update

First and foremost I would like to thank everyone for a very successful and speedy draft. Everyone was just about on time, everyone except Shane made it in dress code, and this is the most people I have ever had that fully paid on draft day. Secondly, as you have noticed I will be doing the weekly updates on my own site from now on. I decided to buy my own site and do my best to maintain it, not just for fantasy but for other topics as well.  I will notify everyone when the updates are ready or if I make any changes. Also, Eventually I want to create an archive section where you can access weekly updates from previous seasons. On the ESPN site we will still use the message board, but feel free to port reply’s on my site when it has to do with my update.

Anyways, in this weeks update, like usual, I plan on giving an overall look into the season as far as deadlines, voting, and any new changes are concerned. I would like to also still have an interview or something to that effect each week, but I am not sure if this week will have that. I have my power ranks and 5 Quick Questions. Moving on…


Money Due: Monday October 15, 2012 (End of Week 6)

Trade Deadline: Wednesday November 7, 2012 (Noon)

Playoffs: Week 13, 14, 15&16

Year End Party: TBD

Rule Changes and Voting

There have been two rule changes that I have mentioned before and everyone should be aware of at this moment.
Th first, being that the WR/RB slot is now a FLEX and a TE can be played.
The second, when I trade is vetoed by the league it will go to a 3 person panel. The panel will consist of three active and knowledgeable fantasy players. They will be given each team roster, the scoring system, and the standings. They will not be given the name of who is involved, just team A and team B. The will vote if it should hold up and is fair trade. Trading will be difficult to do because, although it may seem unfair, people view players differently. So, this is the best way I know how to handle it until something better comes up.

As for this year’s voting…
We only voted on two things. Caleb and Nate won best dressed giving them an extra free pickup. The other was if we should use one defensive player from the team you own and the vote was NO. So, expect no changes next year from this years formula.

5 Quick Questions
1: Team Captain
2: Own Team Sleeper
3: Player you wanted but didn’t get
4: Favorite to win it all (besides self)
5: Rich or Good Looking. Explain.


1: Boldin 2: Jacquizz 3: Marshall 4: Krack or Mahon 5: “Rich, I’ll buy a sexy mail order bride or stripper from the Cricket.”


1: Stafford 2: Hernandez 3: “Quizz Rodgers is going to be a stud this year” 4: “I think Staudt, Mahon, and Pat all have good teams this year.” 5: “Rich, cause I hate working more than anything in da world.”


1: Gronk 2: Hilman 3: Mcoy 4: Nate 5: “Rich, so I would have all the shit Richie Rich has.”


1: Gates 2: Stokley 3: Decker 4: Staurt Scott’s Eye 5: “Good Looking, I don’t think I could handle being rich and the cocaine habit that comes along with it. I mean, too much sugar and caffeine gets me all hyped up and I look at a 5 hour energy once and thought my heart was going to explode. I know what you’re saying, ‘but John, you don’t have to jam copious amounts of coke into your nostrils if you’re rich.’ My argument against that is to look at Hollywood, they do a lot of coke on the reg.”


1: Rivers 2: Britt 3: Gronk 4: Discount Double Check 5: “Good Looking, and I would use those good looks to get with a very hot and successful business woman and just live off her.”


1: Rodgers 2: Blackmon 3: “CJ, we had a shot but couldn’t pass up on Rodgers.” 4: Hairy Balsagna 5: “Rich, money buys anything.”


1: Rodgers 2: Luck 3: Bush 4: Krack (Bricksquad) 5: “Rich, it don’t matter wat u look  like bitches will cum in more ways than one.”


1: Calvin 2: “David Wilson or Ashton Jeffery” 3: Doug Martin 4: Krack 5: “I am already good looking, so rich. So I can buy my Nissan Skyline.”


1: Peyton 2: Malcolm 3: Calvin 4: Schaefers 5: “I am already good looking and there is repercussions. If I was rich there wouldn’t be the same repercussions so I’d be able to do anything.”


1: Brees 2: Heyward-Bey 3: Harvin and Marshall 4: Mahon 5: “I would rather be rich because I could afford high end prostitutes and top end escort services. Therefore I wouldn’t need looks.”


1: BJGE 2: Dwyer 3: David Wilson 4: Shane 5: “Rich because I am already stunningly handsome and it hasn’t gotten me very far.”


1: Fitz 2: Leshoure 3: “I really wanted Jahvid Best in the 6th round, but Bambi beat me to it.” 4: Lawrenceville United 5: “I would rather win Staudt’s Fantasy Football 2012 than be rich or good looking.”


1: Brady 2: Titus Young 3: Amendola 4: MSide 5: “Rich, It makes way too much sense. If I have the money, I throw the party.”


1: S-Jax 2: Hillman 3: Barlow (Apparently he is still retired 4: Bricksquad 5: “I’d rather be rich so that I could redistribute my money into inner cities and give today’s youth the hope for a brighter tomorrow. Sike, I’d wanna be just rich enough to buy Bahama Breeze and fire @therealmarkbeiber.”

Post-Draft-Pre-Season Power Ranks
This year I did something a little similar to last year. I ranked each of the following categories from 1-12 added them and diveded by three… (ESPN Projected Team points for the year) + (Matthew Berry’s Draft Grade, which is a new thing ESPN has for the commish to share) + (Fantasy SP Team rank) / 3 = Rank. Click the picture to see the full size.

Post-Draft-Pre-Season Ranks

That is all for now but I might try and upload a interview for this week.


Pre-Season Preview

This is just a test post at the moment and will be finished for the first game on Thursday. I will have a draft recap, voting recap, preseason rankings, interview with someone, and 5 quick questions from everyone. Thanks to lot 17 for hosting the draft and everyone showing up on time and ready to draft. Until Thursday…