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Week 5 – Two New Ranking Systems

I know, I know, I missed last week, but I also left Calvin Johnson in my lineup. Luckily enough (and unlucky for Keith) I had Witten and Romo and that was enough. This week we had a unbelievable thread that froze my phone several times and at one point I had 30+ new text messages. Trades again. As much as it hurts to watch one guy get someone you think is a beast for someone you think is a bust… we just never know and everyone perceives players differently. Plain and simple. That BEAST could get hurt (Look back to me trading for Forte after everyone bitched). There are winners and there are losers in the NFL, Fantasy Match-ups, and Trades.

We have a couple new features this week, but no interview. I *plan* on trying to get a couple guys interviewed in a particular week to try and catch up to fit everyone in at some point this season.

As for the new things this week… I am giving John a section for his consistency ranks and as long as he continues to update them, I will as well. I am also introducing a “Weekly” power ranking. They will be explained a little further in detail in their given sections…. So, without further ado…


Money Due: Monday October 14, 2013 (End of Week 6)

Trade Deadline: Wednesday November 6, 2013 (Noon)

Playoffs: Week 13, 14, 15&16

Year End Party: TBD

Pick Up Report

As of 11:39AM Sunday October 13, 2013
Revis And Butthead – 10 – (+40)
BLACK BALSAGNA – 8 – (+30)
Less Than Zero – 5
Lawrenceville United – 5
Suck My Ditka – 5
Stuart Scott’s Eye – 5
|\/|cNAlR’S Mayhem – 5
Keystone St. Of Mind – 4
MSIDE’s Year – 4
Foster Kids – 3
Monday Nightshift – 3
Krack – 2

Weekly Interview

*Check back for an interview, or a few, in the coming weeks.

Five Quick Questions

1. Who would win in a fight, a Taco or a Grilled Cheese
2. If you could do one thing over again, what would it be?
3. Favorite Salad Dressing?
4. Best Fantasy TE outside Jimmy Graham?
5. HOU/SF?


1. Taco because the shell protects him from body shots.
2. School
3. Ranch
4. Owen Daniels
5. HOU


1. Teh Taco would win and here is why: Ideally a grilled cheese is just melted cheese and bread whereas a taco is comprised of a shell, beef, and numerous toppings (lettuce, tamatoe, etc.). In a fight I believe the taco would disassemble and have a numbers advantage, thus jumping the grilled cheese and beating it to death. It would look like a Dean’s field beat down from the early 2000’s.
2. I would’ve talked my teammate out of going to college.
3. Ranch
4. Gates
5. SF




1. Grilled cheese because it has the weight advantage. Plus, if you put a couple different Cheeses in that bitch it would be rolling deep.
2. Central because it was fun and I would bitch slap Bro Allen.
3. Italian
4. Jordan Cameron
5. SF


1. A taco, because he is all beefed up.
2. College, I wouldn’t of went.
3. Caesar.
4. Bennett
5. SF


1. Grilled Cheese if ur talking about Grilli.
2. My career choices.
4. Gates
5. SF


1. I think the grilled cheese is a very strong underdog in this question. You would initially think that the Taco has more to it, but any grilled cheese can have a number of veggies and/or meats thrown in as well. Also, there is a great chance that when this Taco stands up it loses most of its ingredients. The shell is fragile. A nicely cooked GC will be perfectly melted together giving a stronger hold and solid body to defeat. In the end, with the right preparation, the GC will never lose.
2. This one time I was in a last hour/minute/second bidding war on Ebay for this WrestleFest Arcade Game. I had it won, and for like $200 total which is insanely low. I remember it clear as day, at my Aunts for Thanksgiving I was talked out of buying it… “Where are you going to put it?” “That is a waste of money.” Well, shit.
3. Raspberry Vinaigrette
4. J.Thomas
5. SF






1. Taco, it has more ingredients to use against the grilled cheese.
2. High School.
3. Ranch
4. Cameron
5. HOU


1. Grilled Cheese because it taste better with Ketchup.
2. Vacation from two years ago.
3. BBQ Sauce
4. Cameron
5. Houston









Family Feud Update

I have decided to change the scoring a little on this so you fools can’t Google the questions and get the answers.

This weeks Question: Name one of the 7 Dwarfs:
This weeks Answers:
Justin: Dopey (2)
KMart: Dopey (2)
Shane: (0)
Walt: Sleepy (3)
Beibs: Grumpy (2)
Bambi: (0)
Staudt: Sleepy (3)
Mahon: (0)
Akoz: Sleazy (1)
Dill: Sleepy (3)
Keith: Grumpy (2)
Nate: (0)
Kurt: (0)
Pat: (0)
Krack: (0)

Season Standings:
Walt: 1/7/5/3 – 16
Akoz: 3/7/5/1 – 16
Beibs: 1/7/5/2 – 15
Mahon: 3/7/5/0 – 15
Bambi: 1/7/5/0 – 13
KMart: 3/2/5/2 – 12
Justin: 3/1/5/2 – 11
Staudt: 1/2/5/3 – 11
Buck: 2/0/5/3 – 10
Pat: 3/7/0/0 – 10
Shane: 1/2/5/0 – 8
Kurt: 0/7/0/0 – 7
Legend: 2/1/1/2 – 6
Nate: 3/0/1/0 – 4
Krack: 0/2/0/0 – 2

Season Rankings

About: Made up of the fantasysp team rating, fantasysp starter ranking, Points scored the previous three weeks, the current weeks projected point total, and Staudt’s own ranking.

Season Long Power Rankings - Click to Enlarge

Season Long Power Rankings – Click to Enlarge

Mahon’s Consistency Rankings

About: The lower the Standard deviation, the more consistent you’re team points were week to week. These are only regular season averages and standard deviations. These ranks can be considered to be skewed because it weighs average points and consistency equally.

2013 -Week 5 Consistency Ranks provided by J. Mahon. – Click to Enlarge

Weekly Rankings

About: When I put together these rankings I take an average ranking for this weeks players and match them up against the rest of the league. Each starting position is matched up against every other team. Every position is ranked. QB, RB1, RB2, WR1, WR2, FLEX, TE, D, and K.
For example… if, out of the 12 starting QBs in the league for the week, you have the highest ranked one you will get a 1, if you have the lowest ranked even if it’s say the 14th ranked QB for the week. You will get a 12. Now, this is that way for QB, D, K, and TE(if you are starting 1 TE). For WR, RB, and FLEX it will take your highest ranked at each position and make then your “1.” So, even if you have AP in your flex spot it will consider him your “RB1” and compare him and him only to everyone elses RB1. It will then take your next best RB in your lineup and make them your “RB2.” Same thing goes for WR. Flex position will just take the 3rd RB, 3rd WR, or 2nd ranked TE and compare them in the FLEX rankings to everyone elses flex guy.
It might seem complicated, but it really isn’t and if you are struggling with it, just ask me to explain it in person.

Weekly Starting Lineup Ranks - Click to Enlarge

Weekly Starting Lineup Ranks – Click to Enlarge

NFL Video/Image/Gif of the Week


There is always someone doing something stupid on live TV.




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