
the original

2015 - Week 3 - Cover

SFFL – 2015 – Week 3

Nothing special this week. Updates below…

Here is the Menu for this week’s update:

Pick-Up Report

The pick-up report will just track everyone’s pick-ups from week to week and show who is over their free amount.

Team Moves Owe
Lawrenceville United 5 0
password is taco 5 0
Krack 4 0
FGLP Bradford 4 0
Jack Reachers 3 0
Keystone St. of Mind 3 0
Monday Nightshift 2 0
The Beefalo’s 2 0
|\/|cNair’s Mayhem 2 0
MSIDE’s Year 1 0
Suck My Ditka 1 0

Weekly/Yearly Prizes

Survivor (includes Weekly High Scorer)

2015 - Week 3 - Survivor


2015 - Week 3 - Skins

Running Winnings

2015 - Week 3 - Winnings

Pats Stats

2015 - Week 3 - Pats Stats

Coaching Analysis

2015 - Week 3 - Coaching Analysis

Roster Analysis

2015 - Week 3 - Roster Analysis

Power Ranks

2015 - Week 3 - Power Ranks

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