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2015 - Week 2 - Cover

SFFL – 2015 – Week 2

Definitely a crazy first week. Suck my Ditka put up the most points!

..but seriously, we already have a tie based on idiotic clock management by the Giants followed by a huge Witten TD.

One division (Drugs) has 3 teams score less than 100, while another division (House) had all four teams post at least 125.

Of the top 15 scorers for the week… 5 TE’s, 4 QB’s, 4 WR’s, and 2 RB’s.

…and with all that… still, the most insane thing happened this morning. Monday Nightshift went to bed last night 1-0 and getting ready for a big week 2. Krack, 0-1 and down a Dez, was thinking of ways to improve for the upcoming week. Then, in the middle of the night, the Fantasy God’s decided that was wrong. Not sure what Kenny, Justin, or Krack did… but, The NYJ Def/ST was awarded another turnover, 3 points, and Krack the new victor. 113-112.

Kenny text me about it and the first thing I did was check the stat corrections page. Nothing. Next step was to do a little browsing online. Turns out that after the Browns scored their first TD in the second quarter, Fitzpatrick of the Jets tossed an interception. During the return (which at this point is considered Cleveland’s possession), Brandon Marshall forced a fumble and the Jets recovered. The Jets D is awarded with the Fumble Recovery.

It’s a huge break for Krack and an extremely tough one for MNS, but that is how the NFL scores it, so there isn’t anything we can do about it.

Just remember, if you are in those close games, your lead/deficit/tie may not be safe.

Here is the Menu for this week’s update:

Pick-Up Report

The pick-up report will just track everyone’s pick-ups from week to week and show who is over their free amount.

Team Moves Owe
Lawrenceville United 3 0
Krack 3 0
password is taco 2 0
Jack Reachers 2 0
FGLP Bradford 2 0
MOnday Nightshift 2 0
The Beefalo’s 1 0
|\/|cNair’s Mayhem 1 0
Keystone St. of Mind 1 0
MSIDE’s Year 1 0
Suck My Ditka 0 0

Weekly/Yearly Prizes

Survivor (includes Weekly High Scorer)

2015 - Week 2 - Survivor


2015 - Week 2 - Skins

Running Winnings

2015 - Week 2 - Winnings

Pats Stats

2015 - Week 2 - Pats Stats

Coaching Analysis

2015 - Week 2 - Coaching Analysis

Roster Analysis

2015 - Week 2 - Roster Analysis

Power Ranks

2015 - Week 2 - Power Rankings

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