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SFFL – 2014 – Week 4

Here is the Menu for this week’s update:

Hefty week of trades. Since I am trying to do something different each week, this week I will show some love to the trades that happened thus far this week. I will break down each by the numbers on fantasysp and the ROS ranks for the players. KEEP IN MIND…. this does not take into consideration the teams involved, and how each player will be used (i.e. bye week fill in, injury fill in etc.). Also, I am pretty sure the rankings and values will change as the season progresses. Maybe we can revisit them at a later week. Just a little check on them. I’ll put a little comment on each as to why it seemed the trade was made, IMO. Finally, all ranking marked with a * are taken from FLEX since they are two different positions being compared.

Trade 1: DeAngelo Williams (RB) for Greg Jennings (SMD)
Quick Hit: SMD Needed a Running Back for the week and RB wanted WR depth.
FanasySP Winner: Williams (6.27) < Jennings (7.53) ROS Winner: Williams (129)* < Jennings (93)* Trade 2: A. Bradshaw and A. Johnson (CHAMPS) for Lacy and Quick (AIR)
Quick Hit: Air done waiting for Lacy, CHAMPS willing to wait.
FanasySP Winner: Bradshaw/Johnson (23.59) > Lacy/Quick (19.6)
ROS Winner: Bradshaw (21) < Lacy (9) -- Johnson (18) > Quick (47)

Trade 3: Crabtree (Buck) for Gronk (SMD)
Quick Hit: Buck needed TE, SMB surplus TE want WR
FanasySP Winner: Crabtree (16.29) > Gronk (14.25)
ROS Winner: Crabtree (26)* > Gronk (30)*

Trade 4: Boldin and Hill (Air) for K. Robinson and N. Paul (#LVU)
Quick Hit: Air wanted back-up TE and RB for week filler, LVU surplus TE needed WR depth.
FanasySP Winner: Hill/Boldin (16.39) > Robsinson/Paul (14.72)
ROS Winner: Boldin (85)* < Paul (66)* -- Hill (37) > Robinson (42)

Trade 5: Sproles and Decker (MM) for Ridley and Patterson (FU)
Quick Hit: MM selling high on Sproles for better WR core, FU surplus WR for better RB.
FanasySP Winner: Sproles/Decker (21.9) < Patterson/Ridley (27.71) ROS Winner: Sproles (15) > Ridley (29) — Decker (36) < Patterson (25) Trade 6: P. Manning and Wayne (CHAMPS) for Brady and D. Thomas (SMD)
Quick Hit: CHAMPS wanted better WR, willing to depart with Manning, see upside in DT. SMD Wanted better QB and has surplus of WR
FanasySP Winner: Manning/Wayne (35.41) > Brady/DT (32.4)
ROS Winner: Manning (1) > Brady (12) — Wayne (29) < DT (2) Final Word: As you can see none of these trades actually seem that bad, even on paper. When you take into consideration the teams needs and possibly how one may view a player over another. They are all just fine. None of the SP rating differences were greater than 5 besides the Sproles deal…. and I do not think SP takes PPR into consideration. So, guys like Sproles and Quick in these cases will get a little bump. The differences in ratings we’re… 1.26, 3.89, 2.04, 1.67, 5.79, and 3.01 and the 3.89 involved Quick and the 5.79 involved Sproles. So, there’s that.


Entry Money Due: Monday October 6, 2014 (End of Week 5)

Trade Deadline: Wednesday November 5, 2014 (Noon)

Playoffs: Week 13 (1st), 14 (2nd), 15 & 16 (Ship)

Year End Party: TBD

Other Dates & Weeks

Week 6 – I will Introduce more Statistics like last year…

  • Probability & Odds
    • Playoff Probability
    • Divisional Probability
    • Championship Probability
    • Graphs
    • Magic Numbers
    • Strength of Schedule
    • Betting Odds

Pick Up Report

Teams that have been granted 6 Free pick-ups due to paying the full amount at the draft… (LVU, KRACK, MSIDE, BUCK, FU, AIR, MNS)
As of 2:52PM Thursday, September 25, 2014
Cordarrelle Patterson – 5
Keystone St. Of Mind – 5
Lawrenceville United – 4
Suck My Ditka – 4
Mountain Men – 3
Krack – 3
|\/|cNAlR’S Mayhem – 3
The Beefalo’s – 2
MSIDE’s Year – 2
Monday Nightshift – 1
Revis And Butthead – 0

Last year we ended with $400+

Rule Changes

Rule Change from Last Year: Refer to week one post.
Rule Change Voting from This Year: Refer to last week’s post.

Pat’s Alternate Standings

If you need to know how this works, refer to the 2014 week 2 update.

Click to Enlarge

Click to Enlarge

Roster Analysis

Refer to 2014 week one update for a better description of how I calculate this.

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Click to Enlarge

Coaching Analysis

Refer to 2014 week two update for a better description of how I calculate this.

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Click to Enlarge

Weekly Power Rankings

Refer to week one’s update for a better description of how I calculate this.
Also, the 2014 week two update has a little extra information.

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Click to Enlarge

Weekly NFL Pic / Video / Gif

The Night of Devin Hester

Pass Complete, Fumble, Hester Punch and Recover

Reverse TD

The Record Breaking Return

Lovie Love

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