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SFFL – 2014 – Week 3

Here is the Menu for this week’s update:

Nothing much to say here… the part of this week’s update that is different is the Voting results below. Check them out and think about your decisions ahead.


Entry Money Due: Monday October 6, 2014 (End of Week 5)

Trade Deadline: Wednesday November 5, 2014 (Noon)

Playoffs: Week 13 (1st), 14 (2nd), 15 & 16 (Ship)

Year End Party: TBD

Other Dates & Weeks

Week 6 – I will Introduce more Statistics like last year…

  • Probability & Odds
    • Playoff Probability
    • Divisional Probability
    • Championship Probability
    • Graphs
    • Magic Numbers
    • Strength of Schedule
    • Betting Odds

Pick Up Report

Teams that have been granted 6 Free pick-ups due to paying the full amount at the draft… (LVU, KRACK, MSIDE, BUCK, FU, AIR, MNS)
As of 11:39AM Thursday, September 18, 2014
Less Than Zero – 4
Keystone St. Of Mind – 4
Lawrenceville United – 3
Krack – 2
Suck My Ditka – 2
|\/|cNAlR’S Mayhem – 2
Mountain Men – 2
The Beefalo’s – 1
Monday Nightshift – 1
Revis And Butthead – 0
MSIDE’s Year – 0

Last year we ended with $400+

Rule Changes

Rule Change from Last Year: Refer to last week’s post.

Here are the results from Voting…
Rule Change Vote Number 1: Should we Raise the League Entrance Fee?
Result: PASSED (9-3)
Since this has passed, we will do a second round of voting to determine how much and what the new money should go to. A few things to get you thinking. In Terms of how much. I think for right now $25, $50, $75, or $100 are pretty standard options. As for what it could go to. This will be tricky to vote on since it could go to multiple things. This itself could take multiple rounds of voting. Some options include… Raise 1st,2nd,3rd payouts, Payout weekly winners, Payouts Regular Season winners, Payout Yearly highest scorers (players and/or teams), go towards Championship Rings (suggested). This will be voted on in the coming weeks.

Rule Change Vote Number 2: Should we ban all Trades?
Result: FAILED (1-11)
This has failed and all trades will remain with the same rules. Not including the two teams involved, so 10 other votes, 6 are needed to Veto (Majority). If it is 5-5 the two teams involved will count as 1 vote for ‘Allow’ passing the trade. If any trade get’s enough Veto votes by the league, it will not be Veto’d right away. It will still go to a three person panel that will vote on the trade. These three people have no investment in the league and will be given rosters, standings, rules, the trade itself, and (if wanted) a comment from each team on why they think the trade helps them. No owner names will be attached to anything.

Rule Change Vote Number 3: Should we remove the transaction fees and pitch in ‘X’ amount each for party?
Result: FAILED (2-10)
The main reason this was brought to a vote was the high volume of teams with more than 1 owner. The fact is that although all teams pay the same amount of money per transaction, some teams are cashing in on the party for less. I understand that not everyone makes it to the party to begin with and not all teams pitch up the same amount… but something may need to be done to even this out.

Rule Change Vote Number 4: When Should we decide draft order; League Party, Super Bowl, First Day of Camp, 2 Weeks Before Draft. 1 Week Before Draft?
Result: Winner is Two Weeks Prior to Draft (4). Losers: League Party(3), Super Bowl (2), 1 Week Prior to Draft (2), Opening Day of Training Camp (1).
Once the draft day is decided, two weeks prior (not necessarily exactly 2 weeks, but roughly) I will start a group thread and we will announce where we will want to draft.

Pat’s Alternate Standings

If you need to know how this works, refer to the 2014 week 2 update.

Click to Enlarge

Click to Enlarge

Roster Analysis

Refer to 2014 week one update for a better description of how I calculate this.

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Click to Enlarge

Coaching Analysis

Refer to 2014 week two update for a better description of how I calculate this.

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Click to Enlarge

Weekly Power Rankings

Refer to last week’s update for a better description of how I calculate this.
Also, the 2014 week two update has a little extra information.

Click to Enlarge

Click to Enlarge

Weekly NFL Pic / Video / Gif

Two very nice one handed grabs this week for TD’s. Wallace (LVU) and Marshall (BEEF), who oddly play each other this week.

Honorable Mention: R. Randle (TM4) with another 1-handed TD, but he uses his other hand at the end.

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