
the original

Pre-Season Update

First and foremost I would like to thank everyone for a very successful and speedy draft. Everyone was just about on time, everyone except Shane made it in dress code, and this is the most people I have ever had that fully paid on draft day. Secondly, as you have noticed I will be doing the weekly updates on my own site from now on. I decided to buy my own site and do my best to maintain it, not just for fantasy but for other topics as well.  I will notify everyone when the updates are ready or if I make any changes. Also, Eventually I want to create an archive section where you can access weekly updates from previous seasons. On the ESPN site we will still use the message board, but feel free to port reply’s on my site when it has to do with my update.

Anyways, in this weeks update, like usual, I plan on giving an overall look into the season as far as deadlines, voting, and any new changes are concerned. I would like to also still have an interview or something to that effect each week, but I am not sure if this week will have that. I have my power ranks and 5 Quick Questions. Moving on…


Money Due: Monday October 15, 2012 (End of Week 6)

Trade Deadline: Wednesday November 7, 2012 (Noon)

Playoffs: Week 13, 14, 15&16

Year End Party: TBD

Rule Changes and Voting

There have been two rule changes that I have mentioned before and everyone should be aware of at this moment.
Th first, being that the WR/RB slot is now a FLEX and a TE can be played.
The second, when I trade is vetoed by the league it will go to a 3 person panel. The panel will consist of three active and knowledgeable fantasy players. They will be given each team roster, the scoring system, and the standings. They will not be given the name of who is involved, just team A and team B. The will vote if it should hold up and is fair trade. Trading will be difficult to do because, although it may seem unfair, people view players differently. So, this is the best way I know how to handle it until something better comes up.

As for this year’s voting…
We only voted on two things. Caleb and Nate won best dressed giving them an extra free pickup. The other was if we should use one defensive player from the team you own and the vote was NO. So, expect no changes next year from this years formula.

5 Quick Questions
1: Team Captain
2: Own Team Sleeper
3: Player you wanted but didn’t get
4: Favorite to win it all (besides self)
5: Rich or Good Looking. Explain.


1: Boldin 2: Jacquizz 3: Marshall 4: Krack or Mahon 5: “Rich, I’ll buy a sexy mail order bride or stripper from the Cricket.”


1: Stafford 2: Hernandez 3: “Quizz Rodgers is going to be a stud this year” 4: “I think Staudt, Mahon, and Pat all have good teams this year.” 5: “Rich, cause I hate working more than anything in da world.”


1: Gronk 2: Hilman 3: Mcoy 4: Nate 5: “Rich, so I would have all the shit Richie Rich has.”


1: Gates 2: Stokley 3: Decker 4: Staurt Scott’s Eye 5: “Good Looking, I don’t think I could handle being rich and the cocaine habit that comes along with it. I mean, too much sugar and caffeine gets me all hyped up and I look at a 5 hour energy once and thought my heart was going to explode. I know what you’re saying, ‘but John, you don’t have to jam copious amounts of coke into your nostrils if you’re rich.’ My argument against that is to look at Hollywood, they do a lot of coke on the reg.”


1: Rivers 2: Britt 3: Gronk 4: Discount Double Check 5: “Good Looking, and I would use those good looks to get with a very hot and successful business woman and just live off her.”


1: Rodgers 2: Blackmon 3: “CJ, we had a shot but couldn’t pass up on Rodgers.” 4: Hairy Balsagna 5: “Rich, money buys anything.”


1: Rodgers 2: Luck 3: Bush 4: Krack (Bricksquad) 5: “Rich, it don’t matter wat u look  like bitches will cum in more ways than one.”


1: Calvin 2: “David Wilson or Ashton Jeffery” 3: Doug Martin 4: Krack 5: “I am already good looking, so rich. So I can buy my Nissan Skyline.”


1: Peyton 2: Malcolm 3: Calvin 4: Schaefers 5: “I am already good looking and there is repercussions. If I was rich there wouldn’t be the same repercussions so I’d be able to do anything.”


1: Brees 2: Heyward-Bey 3: Harvin and Marshall 4: Mahon 5: “I would rather be rich because I could afford high end prostitutes and top end escort services. Therefore I wouldn’t need looks.”


1: BJGE 2: Dwyer 3: David Wilson 4: Shane 5: “Rich because I am already stunningly handsome and it hasn’t gotten me very far.”


1: Fitz 2: Leshoure 3: “I really wanted Jahvid Best in the 6th round, but Bambi beat me to it.” 4: Lawrenceville United 5: “I would rather win Staudt’s Fantasy Football 2012 than be rich or good looking.”


1: Brady 2: Titus Young 3: Amendola 4: MSide 5: “Rich, It makes way too much sense. If I have the money, I throw the party.”


1: S-Jax 2: Hillman 3: Barlow (Apparently he is still retired 4: Bricksquad 5: “I’d rather be rich so that I could redistribute my money into inner cities and give today’s youth the hope for a brighter tomorrow. Sike, I’d wanna be just rich enough to buy Bahama Breeze and fire @therealmarkbeiber.”

Post-Draft-Pre-Season Power Ranks
This year I did something a little similar to last year. I ranked each of the following categories from 1-12 added them and diveded by three… (ESPN Projected Team points for the year) + (Matthew Berry’s Draft Grade, which is a new thing ESPN has for the commish to share) + (Fantasy SP Team rank) / 3 = Rank. Click the picture to see the full size.

Post-Draft-Pre-Season Ranks

That is all for now but I might try and upload a interview for this week.


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Comments (2)

  1. Pat

    Mike, I am giving you 5% of my fantasy earnings at the end of this year for how awesome this site is.

    The past three years in this league have taught me that I will be giving you 5% of $0.

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