
the original


Oooooo Yeaaaah!

About a month ago a few of us went down and spent the weekend in Kentucky. After an afternoon of eating, drinking, and some sightseeing we decided to head the the very large Kentucky State Fair  where the festivities continued. Anyways, later that night I reached a point where my comprehension and ability to focus was shot. A few people remained awake, pizza fresh out of the oven, the Beach Boys on YouTube and all I could do was pace. At the time, pacing was my attempt to stay awake and not throw up. It worked, but I couldn’t stop. Then, out of nowhere, the 60s music stopped and Wrestling Promos started. Instantly, I was fine and we sat and watched one after the other. Growing up such a huge wrestling fan made everything about these promos pure gold. The wrestlers themselves, their gimmicks and wardrobes, and the fact that almost  nothing they say makes any sense. The list can go on and on and the wrestlers never cease to entertain. I then had the idea to incorporate wrestling into my site. So, after starting last week with a newer match I have decided to step back to the late 80s early 90s and where my idea stemmed from. Instead of going with any match in particular I chose the late Macho Man, or King, Randy Savage and some of his finer promos of the time. This list could go on for much longer, but I wanted to limit it to five to keep things short.

So, without further ado, I give you 5 of my favorite Macho Man Promo’s…

Up first, he does a Promo for his match against Ricky the Dragon Steamboat for WrestleMania 3.

“Nothing means nothing,” “The Cream of the Crop,” “On balance, off balance? Doesn’t matter, I’m better than you.”


Yet another masterpiece.

Finally, my personal favorite, The King goes on with Sherri and Zeus about the upcoming cage match with Hulk Hogan and Beefcake. This promo is pure insanity from all three, start to finish.



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  1. Jerdin

    I got hooked. i couldnt get out. its so retarded but i couldnt stop. Off balance on balance it doesnt matter cause im better that you are

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