
the original


MM . Round 1 (Not Round 2) Update

As everyone expected there we some really nice upsets in the first two rounds of games. The traditional 12 over 5 a few times, a very nice first half by the 13 seed La Salle was enough for them to hold over K-State, and finally the one everyone is talking about… 15 seed FGCU over Gtown. The FGCU highlights were some of the best I have seen from a college hoops game in a long time. Anyways, the main reason I am giving this update post is to share some stats with everyone. Nothing crazy, but a little update I do every year. Besides what is below you can keep track of the league on the LEAGUE PAGE.

Last Year Results
First – Bob W. (Tied as the Current Leader this Year)
Second – Lyndsey S.
Third – Dave W.

All three had Kentucky winning it all.

L’Vill – 23
Miami (FLA) – 15
Indiana – 12
Kansas – 8
Duke – 7
OSU – 6
Florida – 6
Gonzaga – 4
Michigan – 2
Cuse – 2
Mich State – 2
ND – 1
UNLV – 1
G*Town – 1

Total of 90

Current Leaders & PPR
Leaders ( ALL tied with 250 )
Krack 3
Bob W. 2
Jr Koz.
Sean D 1

PPR (Possible Points Remaining)
ALL tied with 1560
Xane 1
3 to the Dome
Staudt Jr. 1
Skuf 1

Down and Out (Champs)
3 Total
G*Town – Mike W. 2
ND – Gary B. SR
UNLV – Vicky

That is all I have for now. As usual, any Q’s/Concerns/Comments/Ideas, let me know.

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