
the original


Fantasy Week 2

As far as league news goes there is nothing major to report besides the fact that all entrance fees due by the end of week 6.

In this weeks update Kurt has interviewed Dill, we have 5 quick Q’s, and an updated power rankings after week 1.

I will also introduce a new section at the end of each update. It will be a video or picture from the previous week that is of interest and more than likely taken from something on reddit.


Money Due: Monday October 15, 2012 (End of Week 6)

Trade Deadline: Wednesday November 7, 2012 (Noon)

Playoffs: Week 13, 14, 15&16

Year End Party: TBD

Kurt’s Weekly Interview:

Dill Buck (No One Runs With My BULLS) – @KnuckIFuBUCKley

(K)urt: So Dillion, let’s catch up. What have you been up to this past off-season? Have you taken some time off to come back focused for a title run this year or something else?

(D)ill: I wish I had time to shut down the engine, cool off and restart but that just didn’t happen. I’ve been too busy going to school, work, working out and having a girlfriend…but that’s no excuse not to be ready for the second greatest thing to Jesus…winning that trophy and getting to make sweet sweet love to Uncle Micks work of art.

(K): After week one how do you feel about your team? On a scale from 1 to 10 what was your confidence level after the draft and what is it now? Why?

(D): (6) I felt very confidant with my team but I can’t get my panties in a bunch yet because I lost to a very well-managed team in “|\/|cNAlR’S Mayhem.” He’s been in the playoffs the past few years and I learned it’s going to take a little more to beat him. So I had to deal a few players to build my team stronger and now id rate it like an 8.7.

(K): Looking at your quarterback situation I find an interesting situation with Flacco and rivers? Who do you see as being the better fantasy player the rest of the way, and how good will each one be (average point per week basis)?

(D): I had no intentions on starting Joe over Phil just because I drafted Phil and he had a very disappointing year last year and just didn’t seem himself. But since Joey is playing at such a high level with this new offense it’s going to be hard to choose a starter each week unless someone can change that *coughTradecough*. I’m going with Phillip to have a better season with a 17.6 appw.

(K): How do you feel that your division will shake down? Who finishes in what places and why?

(D): I feel like I have the toughest division in the league.

1. Monday Nightshift

2. Me

3. McNairs Mayhem

4. C[][]L Brees

(K): Who has the toughest division and weakest division and why?

(D): The HOUSE division is gonna be the toughest in the league and there may be 3 teams that come out of it. The worse division is SEX. Besides “Sweaty Balsagna” that division doesn’t impress me AT ALL.

(K): Who will win it all and who will have the worst record and why?

(D): Well of course I have to go with myself because if you would invest a Benjamin in to a fantasy football league and not think you’re going to win it all you’re just outta you mind (even tho that’s what Bambi’s dumb-ass does, lol) that’s me saying “Suck My Ditka” will be last.

(K): Interesting teams names are always apart of fantasy footballs but in our league I feel that their are some particularly clever ones. Rank the team names from worst to first. Also with the worst team give a suggestion for that owner of a new one?

12. Discount Double Check- I fucking hate that celebration…this is STEELER COUNTRY!! (More than LUCK )
11. Sweaty Balsagna- CHANGE THAT PICTURE
10. Krack
9. Mside’s Year
8. Monday Nightshift
7. Mcnairs Mayhem
6. C[][]L Brees
5. Lawrenceville United
4. NO One runs with my Bulls
3. revis and Butthead
2. Suck My ditka
1. Stuart Scott’s Eye

(K): I noticed that you have a new name, “no one runs why my bulls.” Post a picture or video of a bull that represent that baddest bull/player on your team?


(K): Tell us your best joke.

(D): Guy goes to the casino, blows all his money and all he has left Is the money to pay for a taxi and his plane ticket…but he’s feeling lucky and knows he’ll when so he bets the last of his money on blackjack but his luck didn’t change and he loses. So he walks outside and sees a taxi, goes up to him and says ” can you please give me a ride back to the airport, I have no money and have no way to get to the airport and the taxi driver says “Get the fuck outta my cab you fucking asshole, have fun walking to the airport.” so the guy finally finds a way to the airport and gets home…..5 years later the guy goes back to the casino and just blows the roof off the place and wins thousands,  so he’s walks out the casino and there’s 10 taxis  lined up and noticed the taxi driver that fucked him last time. So the guy goes to the first taxi driver and ask “how much to the airport? Taxi driver responds “20$.” then the guy ask “how much for a blowjob?” taxi: “get the fuck outta my cab you fucking faggot.” so the guy gets out and goes to the next cab and does the same thing and so on and so until he get to the driver that fucked him last time and ask “how much to the airport?” driver: “20$” guy says “OK.” the taxi driver pulls off and as he passes all of his fellow colleagues and the guy in the back has a big smile on his face and his thumb up the whole way down the line

(K): Lastly, predictions. Who wins and loses. Highest and lowest scores?


High Score: Discount Double Check 145

Low Score: Stuart Scott’s Eye 90

Lawrenceville United > Revis and Butthead

No One Runs With My Bulls > C[][]L Brees

Krack > Staurt Scott’s Eye

Discount Double Check > MSide’s Year

Sweaty Balsagna > Suck My Ditka

Monday Nightshift > McNairs Mayhem


5 Quick Questions
1: Do you feel better, worse, or the same about your team from last week?
2: Player you are most excited for after week 1?
3: Favorite place to watch the games?
4: Denver Broncos @ Atlanta Falcons?
5: At 72-69 (now 72-70), will the Pirates finish above .500?


1: Feel a lot better with my team and the depth of my team 2: Al. Morris 3: I work during every game 4: Atlanta 5: We will sweep the braves to end the season above .500


1: Worse 2: Cobb 3: My House 4: Atl 5: No


1: Better 2: D. Thomas 3: Anywhere with Sunday Ticket 4: Denver 5: Yes


1: Feel the same 2: Coby Fleener 3: (Shameless plug) J&L Grill Compnay on East Carson Street between 28th and the Hot Metal Bridge. Good wings, 30 drafts, 100 bottles, and the smokey city burger is bomb 4: Denver 5: No 80-82, because they are dicks like that


1: I’m pretty happy after this trade, just need big plays outta my WR 2: Rivers 3: Anywhere BUT my house 4: Peyton’s Broncos 5: WILDCARD BABY!!!! No fairweatherness.


1: Better 2: A.P., this is a dude that went 1st overall the last few years and we were able to get him pretty late. 3: Steves 4: Denver 5: Below for sure, burn the Jolly Rodger.


1: Better 2: Spiller 3: Steves 4: Denver 5: Fuck no.


1: Same, just need another RB to compliment Gore 2: The Manning-Cruz connection I feel will get me the points they should 3: Any bar or at home with beer and wings 4: Atl 5: Yes


1: Worse 2: Peyton (Beeeeeast) 3: Somewhere with a few buds and cases 4: Denver 5: Nope 79-83 dam shame


1: Worse, need depth at RB 2: Tamme 3: Home, so I can stay focused. 4: Atlanta 5: Above .500


1: Same 2: Julio 3: It varies, I like a lot of joints. 4: Atlanta 5: Absolutely……..NOT


1: Definitely better. Week 1 is always stressful and I feel like my team still has room to improve. 2: M. Ryan, He absolutely killed it, but I’m dreading playing ‘the worst team in the league’ Sweaty Balsagna in week 7 against Julio. 3: No favorite place, but I just spent the past Sunday @ Kennywood. I was going up the Phantom Revenges first hill at about 3mph and was pretty nervous. I checked my phone and I was beating Mike by 50 points and I just knew everything was going to be okay. 4: Atlanta easily, Matt Ryan another 30 pts, done deal. 5: 80-82


1: Same, tough loss in week one, but overall happy with everyones production. 2: Marshall 3: Depends. I really like sitting back with my laptop and Fantasycast, but at the same time it’s always nice to around some friends, talk shit and have some good beers. 4: Falcons 5: Above .500! We are still in this race, which is hard to believe, but the Dodgers and Cards keep losing as well. Every series, including the red hot Brewers is huge.


1: Same 2: Al Smith 3: The Martin Residence, preferable when they’re not home 4: Denver 5: Not at all, son.

Week 1 Power Ranks
Little different from last year as well. Took the Team and Starters from FantasySP, the last 3 weeks performance and my rank all from last season. Added in the weekly projection. averaged everything out again.

Week 1 Power Ranks

Image/Video of the Week: The MEGATRON EFFECT



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