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Week 12 – Where Will You Finish?

The final week is finally here. 5/6 Teams have clinched. Not 1 Single Playoff Spot is locked.

The 6th spot in (or third spot in terms of Standings) comes down to Foster Kids and Keystone St. of Mind. A Keystone win or FK loss ensures Keystone the playoff birth. In order for FK to get in they need to win, have a Keystone loss, and outscore them by 27 this week.

As for the other 5 spots. Every single team who has clinched has a chance at getting the Bye. MSIDEs Year and United just need to win. Everyone else needs a little help.

#Stuey enjoyed the top spot for a week, but surrendered it to #LVU, who has taken 1st for the first time this year.

2015 Calendar Info:

  • January – Revis & Butthead
  • February – Monday Nightshift
  • March – Suck My Ditka
  • April – Keystone St. of Mind
  • May – Lawrenceville United
  • June –
  • July – Less Than Zero
  • August –
  • September –
  • October – |\/|cNair’s Mayhem
  • November –
  • December – BLACK BALSAGNA

Moving along…


Money Due: Monday October 14, 2013 (End of Week 6) PASSED
Trade Deadline: Wednesday November 6, 2013 (Noon) PASSED

Playoffs: Week 13, 14, 15&16

Year End Party: During the NFL Playoffs

Pick Up Report

As of 10:23AM Sunday November 24, 2013
Revis And Butthead – 16 – (+100)
Lawrenceville United – 14 (+80)
Less Than Zero – 11 (+50)
Keystone St. Of Mind – 11 (+50)
Suck My Ditka – 9 (+40)
|\/|cNAlR’S Mayhem – 8 (+20)
MSIDE’s Year – 7 (+10)
Stuart Scott’s Eye – 7 (+10)
Monday Nightshift – 6
Krack – 6
Foster Kids – 5

That leaves us with 420 for the moment. Finished +400 last year.

So, by vote we have decided to go with an NFL Playoffs party Post-Fantasy Season.

  • Week of December 14th – Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.
  • Sometime after Christmas – During the NFL Playoffs

Vote Results (so far)
Week 15: ii (2)
NFL Playoffs: iiiii (5)
Either: iiiii (5)

Playoff Options:
I think it’s safe to say that most people want to watch some playoff games and do not want to do it on a Sunday. So here are our options for the Party when there are NFL games on the Saturday.

Saturday January 4th, 2014
Saturday January 11th, 2014

Season Rankings

About: Made up of the fantasysp team rating, fantasysp starter ranking, Points scored the previous three weeks, the current weeks projected point total, and Staudt’s own ranking.
Click to Enlarge

Pat’s Alternate Standings

About: This ranking takes into account whether you had a top 6 finish that week, and gives you a point if you did so. It also gives a team an extra 2 points if the team is in the top 6 in points at the end of the year. Wins are worth 2 points, ties are worth 1, and losses are worth 0 (sorry Krack). I think it get’s skewed a little bit when you add in the total points for, but I feel that in a true points system, that aspect should be counted.

N/A this week.

Mahon’s Consistency Rankings

About: The lower the Standard deviation, the more consistent you’re team points were week to week. These are only regular season averages and standard deviations. These ranks can be considered to be skewed because it weighs average points and consistency equally.

2013 -Week 11 Consistency Ranks provided by J. Mahon. – Click to Enlarge

Weekly Rankings

About: When I put together these rankings I take an average ranking for this weeks players and match them up against the rest of the league. Each starting position is matched up against every other team. Every position is ranked. QB, RB1, RB2, WR1, WR2, FLEX, TE, D, and K.
Click to Enlarge

Probability & Odds

Playoff Probabilities & Graph

Click to Enlarge

Divisional Probabilities & Graph

Click to Enlarge

Championship Probabilities & Graph

Click to Enlarge

Magic Numbers

Suck My Ditka – Clinched
Stuart Scott’s Eye – Clinched
Lawrenceville United – Clinched (1 for Division)
MSIDEs Year – Clinched (1 for Division)
Keystone St. of Mind – 1 (1 for Division)

BLACK BALSAGNA can Technically miss if they lose, Less Than Zero Wins, and Less Than Zero Outscores them by 173.
Foster Kids will get in over Keystone with a Win, Keystone Loss, and 27 more points this week.

Everyone else is done.

Strength of Schedule

Adjusted Win Percentage— The SOS Adjusted winning percentage is a team’s winning percentage neutralized for the strength of all its opponents. It suggests what percentage of the time this team would win against a balanced schedule.
Total SOS: Full Season
Rest SOS: Games Remiaining
For the two SOS above… the higher the number, the harder the schedule.
Click to Enlarge

Futures Odds (For the Gamblers)

Click to Enlarge

NFL Videos/Images/Gifs of the Week

Source for all: Joe Bryant

Player Spotlight

WEEK 12: The Bus

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