
the original

Week 6 – Half Way Point

So, it’s the half way point in the year. Has your first round pick panned out? Do you think you have a shot? What will 6 more wins get you? There is half gone, but still a ton of season left. The schedule worked out this year to have an epic last three weeks of the regular season because they are Division games. I plan on posting a short mid week update this week that will include some mid season stats and information about the year end party….


Money Due: Monday October 14, 2013 (End of Week 6)

Trade Deadline: Wednesday November 6, 2013 (Noon)

Playoffs: Week 13, 14, 15&16

Year End Party: TBD

Pick Up Report

As of 10:06AM Sunday October 20, 2013
Revis And Butthead – 12 – (+60)
BLACK BALSAGNA – 9 – (+40)
Lawrenceville United – 6
Stuart Scott’s Eye – 6
Less Than Zero – 5
Suck My Ditka – 5
|\/|cNAlR’S Mayhem – 5
Keystone St. Of Mind – 5
MSIDE’s Year – 5
Foster Kids – 3
Monday Nightshift – 3
Krack – 3

Weekly Interview

*Check back for an interview, or a few, in the coming weeks.

Five Quick Questions

1. Steelers/ Ravens ?
2. Most Underrated team in fantasy?
3. Red Sox / Cardinals ?
4. Craziest thing all week?
5. Picture?


1. Ravens
2. Mahon
3. Red Sox
4. Malkin SO Goal vs Nucks
5. I’m goin…
Wk 6 - Keith




1. Steelers
2. United
3. Bo Sox
4. Football playing in my living room… Unfortunately.
5. NSFW (Nudity)


1. Steelers
2. Us
3. Cards
4. Davey Septak dancing on Carnegie Street


1. Steelers
2. Nightshift
3. Bo Sox
4. …




1. Steelers
2. Underrated… Less Than Zero
3. Cardinals in 5
4. A 6 year old and a 4 Year old get on the bus in Avalon, alone. They were at the stop alone as well, waived the bus down, took their seats, pulled the string in a timely fashion. Exited the bus. Went on with life.


1. Steelers
2. Nightshift
3. Cards
4. Keith calling out all of Philly and West Chester on Facebook








1. Steelers
2. My Team. I’m 5-1 and still get no respect.
3. Cardinals
4. Nothing unusual




1. Steelers
2. MSide’s Year. Not deep, but starting lineup is top yet is least talked about.
3. Cards
4. I saw a man wearing nothing but a tuxedo jacket on 79 South near the Meadows Casino. He was holding a sign that said I lost my money, my family, my dignity but I still look good. Then he started to run back and forth across the highway.



Family Feud Update

I have decided to change the scoring a little on this so you fools can’t Google the questions and get the answers.

This weeks Question: Name a movie monster who could take Dracula in a fight:
This weeks Answers:
Justin: (0)
KMart: Frankenstein(2)
Shane: (0)
Walt: Reptar(1)
Beibs: (0)
Bambi: Stay Puff Marshmallow Man from Ghost Busters(1)
Staudt: Jason Voorhees(1)
Mahon: Frankenstein(2)
Akoz: (0)
Dill: (0)
Keith: Mike Myers(1)
Nate: Godzilla(1)
Kurt: (0)
Pat: (0)
Krack: (0)

Season Standings:
Walt: 1/7/5/3/1 – 17
Mahon: 3/7/5/0/2 – 17
Akoz: 3/7/5/1/0 – 16
Beibs: 1/7/5/2/0 – 15
Bambi: 1/7/5/0/1 – 14
KMart: 3/2/5/2/2 – 14
Staudt: 1/2/5/3/1 – 12
Justin: 3/1/5/2/0 – 11
Buck: 2/0/5/3/0 – 10
Pat: 3/7/0/0/0 – 10
Shane: 1/2/5/0/0 – 8
Kurt: 0/7/0/0/0 – 7
Legend: 2/1/1/2/1 – 7
Nate: 3/0/1/0/1 – 5
Krack: 0/2/0/0/0 – 2

Season Rankings

About: Made up of the fantasysp team rating, fantasysp starter ranking, Points scored the previous three weeks, the current weeks projected point total, and Staudt’s own ranking.

Season Long Power Rankings - Click to Enlarge

Mahon’s Consistency Rankings

About: The lower the Standard deviation, the more consistent you’re team points were week to week. These are only regular season averages and standard deviations. These ranks can be considered to be skewed because it weighs average points and consistency equally.

2013 -Week 6 Consistency Ranks provided by J. Mahon. – Click to Enlarge

Weekly Rankings

About: When I put together these rankings I take an average ranking for this weeks players and match them up against the rest of the league. Each starting position is matched up against every other team. Every position is ranked. QB, RB1, RB2, WR1, WR2, FLEX, TE, D, and K.
For example… if, out of the 12 starting QBs in the league for the week, you have the highest ranked one you will get a 1, if you have the lowest ranked even if it’s say the 14th ranked QB for the week. You will get a 12. Now, this is that way for QB, D, K, and TE(if you are starting 1 TE). For WR, RB, and FLEX it will take your highest ranked at each position and make then your “1.” So, even if you have AP in your flex spot it will consider him your “RB1” and compare him and him only to everyone elses RB1. It will then take your next best RB in your lineup and make them your “RB2.” Same thing goes for WR. Flex position will just take the 3rd RB, 3rd WR, or 2nd ranked TE and compare them in the FLEX rankings to everyone elses flex guy.
It might seem complicated, but it really isn’t and if you are struggling with it, just ask me to explain it in person.
Weekly Starting Lineup Ranks - Click to Enlarge

NFL Video/Image/Gif of the Week

Player Spotlight

WEEK 6: Barry Sanders

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Week 5 – Two New Ranking Systems

I know, I know, I missed last week, but I also left Calvin Johnson in my lineup. Luckily enough (and unlucky for Keith) I had Witten and Romo and that was enough. This week we had a unbelievable thread that froze my phone several times and at one point I had 30+ new text messages. Trades again. As much as it hurts to watch one guy get someone you think is a beast for someone you think is a bust… we just never know and everyone perceives players differently. Plain and simple. That BEAST could get hurt (Look back to me trading for Forte after everyone bitched). There are winners and there are losers in the NFL, Fantasy Match-ups, and Trades.

We have a couple new features this week, but no interview. I *plan* on trying to get a couple guys interviewed in a particular week to try and catch up to fit everyone in at some point this season.

As for the new things this week… I am giving John a section for his consistency ranks and as long as he continues to update them, I will as well. I am also introducing a “Weekly” power ranking. They will be explained a little further in detail in their given sections…. So, without further ado…


Money Due: Monday October 14, 2013 (End of Week 6)

Trade Deadline: Wednesday November 6, 2013 (Noon)

Playoffs: Week 13, 14, 15&16

Year End Party: TBD

Pick Up Report

As of 11:39AM Sunday October 13, 2013
Revis And Butthead – 10 – (+40)
BLACK BALSAGNA – 8 – (+30)
Less Than Zero – 5
Lawrenceville United – 5
Suck My Ditka – 5
Stuart Scott’s Eye – 5
|\/|cNAlR’S Mayhem – 5
Keystone St. Of Mind – 4
MSIDE’s Year – 4
Foster Kids – 3
Monday Nightshift – 3
Krack – 2

Weekly Interview

*Check back for an interview, or a few, in the coming weeks.

Five Quick Questions

1. Who would win in a fight, a Taco or a Grilled Cheese
2. If you could do one thing over again, what would it be?
3. Favorite Salad Dressing?
4. Best Fantasy TE outside Jimmy Graham?
5. HOU/SF?


1. Taco because the shell protects him from body shots.
2. School
3. Ranch
4. Owen Daniels
5. HOU


1. Teh Taco would win and here is why: Ideally a grilled cheese is just melted cheese and bread whereas a taco is comprised of a shell, beef, and numerous toppings (lettuce, tamatoe, etc.). In a fight I believe the taco would disassemble and have a numbers advantage, thus jumping the grilled cheese and beating it to death. It would look like a Dean’s field beat down from the early 2000’s.
2. I would’ve talked my teammate out of going to college.
3. Ranch
4. Gates
5. SF




1. Grilled cheese because it has the weight advantage. Plus, if you put a couple different Cheeses in that bitch it would be rolling deep.
2. Central because it was fun and I would bitch slap Bro Allen.
3. Italian
4. Jordan Cameron
5. SF


1. A taco, because he is all beefed up.
2. College, I wouldn’t of went.
3. Caesar.
4. Bennett
5. SF


1. Grilled Cheese if ur talking about Grilli.
2. My career choices.
4. Gates
5. SF


1. I think the grilled cheese is a very strong underdog in this question. You would initially think that the Taco has more to it, but any grilled cheese can have a number of veggies and/or meats thrown in as well. Also, there is a great chance that when this Taco stands up it loses most of its ingredients. The shell is fragile. A nicely cooked GC will be perfectly melted together giving a stronger hold and solid body to defeat. In the end, with the right preparation, the GC will never lose.
2. This one time I was in a last hour/minute/second bidding war on Ebay for this WrestleFest Arcade Game. I had it won, and for like $200 total which is insanely low. I remember it clear as day, at my Aunts for Thanksgiving I was talked out of buying it… “Where are you going to put it?” “That is a waste of money.” Well, shit.
3. Raspberry Vinaigrette
4. J.Thomas
5. SF






1. Taco, it has more ingredients to use against the grilled cheese.
2. High School.
3. Ranch
4. Cameron
5. HOU


1. Grilled Cheese because it taste better with Ketchup.
2. Vacation from two years ago.
3. BBQ Sauce
4. Cameron
5. Houston









Family Feud Update

I have decided to change the scoring a little on this so you fools can’t Google the questions and get the answers.

This weeks Question: Name one of the 7 Dwarfs:
This weeks Answers:
Justin: Dopey (2)
KMart: Dopey (2)
Shane: (0)
Walt: Sleepy (3)
Beibs: Grumpy (2)
Bambi: (0)
Staudt: Sleepy (3)
Mahon: (0)
Akoz: Sleazy (1)
Dill: Sleepy (3)
Keith: Grumpy (2)
Nate: (0)
Kurt: (0)
Pat: (0)
Krack: (0)

Season Standings:
Walt: 1/7/5/3 – 16
Akoz: 3/7/5/1 – 16
Beibs: 1/7/5/2 – 15
Mahon: 3/7/5/0 – 15
Bambi: 1/7/5/0 – 13
KMart: 3/2/5/2 – 12
Justin: 3/1/5/2 – 11
Staudt: 1/2/5/3 – 11
Buck: 2/0/5/3 – 10
Pat: 3/7/0/0 – 10
Shane: 1/2/5/0 – 8
Kurt: 0/7/0/0 – 7
Legend: 2/1/1/2 – 6
Nate: 3/0/1/0 – 4
Krack: 0/2/0/0 – 2

Season Rankings

About: Made up of the fantasysp team rating, fantasysp starter ranking, Points scored the previous three weeks, the current weeks projected point total, and Staudt’s own ranking.

Season Long Power Rankings - Click to Enlarge

Season Long Power Rankings – Click to Enlarge

Mahon’s Consistency Rankings

About: The lower the Standard deviation, the more consistent you’re team points were week to week. These are only regular season averages and standard deviations. These ranks can be considered to be skewed because it weighs average points and consistency equally.

2013 -Week 5 Consistency Ranks provided by J. Mahon. – Click to Enlarge

Weekly Rankings

About: When I put together these rankings I take an average ranking for this weeks players and match them up against the rest of the league. Each starting position is matched up against every other team. Every position is ranked. QB, RB1, RB2, WR1, WR2, FLEX, TE, D, and K.
For example… if, out of the 12 starting QBs in the league for the week, you have the highest ranked one you will get a 1, if you have the lowest ranked even if it’s say the 14th ranked QB for the week. You will get a 12. Now, this is that way for QB, D, K, and TE(if you are starting 1 TE). For WR, RB, and FLEX it will take your highest ranked at each position and make then your “1.” So, even if you have AP in your flex spot it will consider him your “RB1” and compare him and him only to everyone elses RB1. It will then take your next best RB in your lineup and make them your “RB2.” Same thing goes for WR. Flex position will just take the 3rd RB, 3rd WR, or 2nd ranked TE and compare them in the FLEX rankings to everyone elses flex guy.
It might seem complicated, but it really isn’t and if you are struggling with it, just ask me to explain it in person.

Weekly Starting Lineup Ranks - Click to Enlarge

Weekly Starting Lineup Ranks – Click to Enlarge

NFL Video/Image/Gif of the Week


There is always someone doing something stupid on live TV.




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Trades, BYEs, and Mahon.. Fantasy Week 3

6 trades in two days? I can honestly say that it looks like every team that traded got better (although Krack might have a different take on that). Looking back through the past years we have never had that many trades in one week of play. It doesn’t seem like things are going to slow down any time soon, so we might consider voting on the trade limit. It is at 5 now, but can be moved to 10 or even taken off. A unanimous vote to have it changed this season would be needed, otherwise 8/12 needed for next season.

Other than the trades we saw Dill go 3-0 for the first time in his career and Mahon and Krack, two of the usual powerhouses, go 0-3. It is still only the end of the first quarter of the regular season, but seeing the standings jump around like this shows how difficult it is year to year.

With all of these trades happening, the way these teams have started, and the BYE weeks starting… we will see which managers truly stand out.

Moving on… as usual we have…


Money Due: Monday October 14, 2013 (End of Week 6)

Trade Deadline: Wednesday November 6, 2013 (Noon)

Playoffs: Week 13, 14, 15&16

Year End Party: TBD

Pick Up Report

As of 10:07AM Sunday September 29, 2013
Revis And Butthead – 5
|\/|cNAlR’S Mayhem – 4
Stuart Scott’s Eye – 3
Keystone St. Of Mind – 3
Lisfranc Injury – 3
Lawrenceville United – 3
Krack – 2
Suck My Ditka – 2
Foster Kids – 2
MSIDE’s Year – 2
Monday Nightshift – 0

Weekly Interview

Five Quick Questions

1. Blonde, Brunette, or Other?
2. T or A?
3. Best song out right now?
4. Steelers first win?
5. Biggest bust of the year?


1. “All options are good except Green or Blue or some Crazy Color”
2. “I gotta go wit both but picking 1 it would be tits.”
3. None
4. They won’t
5. Chris Johnson


1. Blonde
2. Ass
3. Helmz ft. Hopsin – Talent Show
4. Week 6
5. Someone from our team, probably Sproles


1. As long as she has a puddy
2. TIts
3. Wale – Vanity
4. Week 6 (Jets)
5. M. Ball


1. Brunette
2. Ass
3. French Montana – Worried Bout Nothin’
4. Week 4
5. RG3


1. Blonde
2. Tits
3. None
4. This week
5. Foster


1. Blonde
2. Ass
3. Lil Mike and Funny Bones – Rain Dance
4. This Week
5. Foster


1. Brunette
2. Tits
3. Action Bronson – Alligator
4. Jets
5. Hmm.. D. Wilson on my squad. RG3 otherwise.


1. Other (All other)
2. Tits
3. Rihanna – We Found Love
4. Week 7
5. C. Kaepernick




1. Brunette
2. Ass
3. Awolnation – Sail
4. Week 4
5. Ridley


1. Other, Ginger for some odd reason
2. Ass all day
3. JZ and JT – Holy Grail
4. This week
5. Ray Rice


1. Brunette
2. Ass
3. Anything Taylor Swift
4. This week
5. FOster


1. Blonde
2. Ass
3. Migos ft. Drake – Versace
4. This week
5. Ray Rice





Family Feud Update

This weeks Question: Name an animal that we eat that would never eat us:
This weeks Ranks:
Justin: Cow(58)
KMart: Cow(58)
Shane: Cow(58)
Walt: Cow(58)
Beibs: Cow(58)
Bambi: Chicken(26)
Staudt: Chicken(26)
Mahon: Chicken(26)
Akoz: Chicken(26)
Dill: Chicken(26)
Keith: Deer(2)
Nate: Shrimp(0)
Kurt: (0)
Pat: (0)
Krack: (0)

Season Standings:
Justin: 29/32/58 (119)
KMart: 21/0/58 (79)
Staudt: 23/24/26 (73)
Walt: 0/13/58 (71)
Beibs: 0/13/58 (71)
Mahon: 29/13/26 (66)
Akoz: 21/13/26 (60)
Shane: 0/0/58 (58)
Buck: 8/13/26 (47)
Bambi: 0/13/26 (39)
Nate: 29/0/0 (29)
Krack: 0/24/0 (24)
Pat: 0/13/0 (13)
Kurt: 0/13/0 (13)
Legend: 8/0/2 (10)

Weekly Rankings

2013 Week 3 Power Ranks

NFL Video/Image/Gif of the Week

Full Article

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Fantasy Week 2 Update

Sorry about last week. I won’t miss another week. Well, maybe one. Anyways I have the deadlines still up, the weekly pickup report, interview with all the other usual stuff. Power Ranks updated as well. Enjoy.


Money Due: Monday October 14, 2013 (End of Week 6)

Trade Deadline: Wednesday November 6, 2013 (Noon)

Playoffs: Week 13, 14, 15&16

Year End Party: TBD

Pick Up Report

As of 12:16PM Sunday September 22, 2013
Stuart Scott’s Eye – 3
Keystone St. Of Mind – 3
Revis And Butthead – 3
Lisfranc Injury – 2
Krack – 2
Suck My Ditka – 2
Lawrenceville United – 2
|\/|cNAlR’S Mayhem – 2
Foster Kids – 2
MSIDE’s Year – 2
Monday Nightshift – 0

Weekly Interview

Five Quick Questions

1. Steelers/Bengals
2. Steelers .500?
3. High Scorer for the Year
4. How do you feel about your team after week 1?
5. Mayweather/Canelo


1. Cin
2. Worse
3. Forte
4. Confident
5. Mayweather


1. Pit
2. 500
3. Peterson
4. Confident
5. Mayweather




1. Pit
2. Better
3. Brady
4. Confident
5. Mayweather


1. Pit
2. Better
3. Rodgers
4. Confident
5. Canelo


1. Pit
2. Above
3. Foster
4. Undecided
5. Canelo


1. Cin
2. .500
3. AD (AP)
4. Confident
5. Mayweather


1. Pit
2. Below
3. P. Manning
4. Undecided bordering on scared
5. Mayweather


1. Pit
2. Worse
3. Calvin
4. Confident
5. Mayweather


2. 10-6
3. Shady
4. As good as Draft Day


1. Pit
2. Better. 10-6
3. Slick Mike Vick
4. Cocky and Confident
5. Mayweather


1. Pit
2. Worse
3. Bush
4. Confident
5. Money May all Day


1. Cinci
2. Worse
3. DMC
4. Very Confident
5. Money


1. Pit
2. Above (9-7)
3. Cam
4. Undecided. I like what I saw from Nicks but CJ2K is again a question mark. Also, I think Bell is going to be a solid PPR flex option for me all year.
5. Mayweather (TMT all night baby)


1. Cincy
2. Worse
3. Payton
4. Undecided because I have 5 worthy wideouts to start. All trade proposals welcomed, except if you offer Taxans D for Boldin straight up (Mahon).

Family Feud Update

This weeks Question: Name a Kind of Cheese:
This weeks Ranks:
Justin: Cheddar (32)
Krack: Swiss (24)
Staudt: SWiss (24)
Mahon: ‘Merican (13)
Walt: American (13)
Akoz: American (13)
Beibs: American (13)
Kurt: White American (13)
Pat: American (13)
Bambi: American (13)
Keith: Cottage (0)
KMart: Provolone (0)
Shane: Provolone (0)

Season Standings:
Justin: 29/32 (61)
Staudt: 23/24 (47)
Mahon: 29/13 (42)
Akoz: 21/13 (34)
Nate: 29/0 (29)
Krack: 0/24 (24)
Buck: 8/13 (21)
KMart: 21/0 (21)
Walt: 0/13 (13)
Beibs: 0/13 (13)
Pat: 0/13 (13)
Bambi: 0/13 (13)
Kurt: 0/13 (13)
Legend: 8/0 (8)
Shane: 0/0 (0)

Weekly Rankings

2013 Week 2 Power Ranks

NFL Video/Image/Gif of the Week

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The Time Has Come – Pre-Season Update

Again, I would like to thank everyone for a successful and speedy draft. Aside from the whole check debacle, everything went smoothly and great (and we can blame that mostly on the waitress, although ya’ll jagoffs could have stayed a minute). Also, much like last year, we again broke the record for amount of money paid up front for the draft. I guess a free transaction goes a long way. Maybe next year all 12 teams will be paid up front. Maybe. I’m not sure why, but I am really excited about this year’s season. I like the diversity of the teams and I truly believe that the league in general is getting harder and harder to draft in. Or, maybe this was just a tough year. Either way, hats off to ya because we are a strong league. The strongest.

As for the update, I don’t really have much going on yet, no interview, no analysis, etc. I do, however, have the following:


Money Due: Monday October 14, 2013 (End of Week 6)

Trade Deadline: Wednesday November 6, 2013 (Noon)

Playoffs: Week 13, 14, 15&16

Year End Party: TBD

Rule Changes

The only rule change right now is to learn our draft position a week or two before the scheduled draft. However, this is unofficial. I will be conducting rule change votes via text in the next few weeks.

Five Quick Questions

1. Team Captain
2. Team Sleeper
3. Player You Wanted but Didn’t Get
4. Ship Favorite
5. DIY Snack at Home


1. M. Ryan
2. Z. Stacy
3. Lacy
4. Krack
5. Wings


1. Rodgers
2. Myers
3. Hernandez
4. DDC
5. “I make the best pb&j sammich in Western PA”


1. Rowdy White
2. Christine Michael
3. Mega
4. Keith
5. Bowl of J Higgs Buffalo Wings Chips


1. Foster
2. Jeffrey
3. L. James
4. Pat
5. Grilled Cheese


1. Rodgers
2. Austin
3. D. Thomas
4. DDC
5. PB & J


1. Brady
2. Hilton
3. Wayne
4. Black Balsagna
5. “Peanut Butter Sandwhich… no jelly cus it sucks”


1. DeAng Williams
2. D. Hopkins
3. Gio Bernard
4. Keith
5. Grilled Cheese’s, that is, multiple kinds of cheese


1. M. Floyd
2. J. Jones
3. Amendola
4. Keystone Killa
5. Egg Sammiches


1. A. Johnson
2. Broyles
3. Lacy
4. Monday Night Shift
5. Oreos & Milk


1. McCoy
2. L. Miller
3. Bush
4. Pat (Depending on the Skins)
5. Pep & Cheese Crackers


1. DMC
2. Vick
3. RG3
4. Mahon or Staudt
5. Peanuts


1. Colin
2. V. Brown
3. CJ2K
4. Kurt
5. Mac N Cheese


1. DMC
2. Vick
3. RG3
4. Keith
5. Buff Chick Dip





Family Feud Update

This weeks Question: Reason someone might make fun of your car:

This weeks Ranks:
Justin: Old (29)
Nate: Old (29)
Mahon: Old (29)
Staudt: Dirty (23)
KMart: The Color (21)
Akoz: It’s Pink (21)
Legend: Rusty (8)
Buck: Rust (8)
Walt: I Don’t own one (0)
Beibs: Doesn’t Start (0)
Pat: It looks like a Chick Car (0)
Bambi: The Horn (0)
Shane: Family Stickers on the Back Windshield (0)

Season Standings:
Same as above, duh.

Weekly Rankings

Almost the same format as last year for the pre-season ranks. I used Mahon’s Starter’s Points For Numbers for the ESPN Value rather than the entire Teams. This takes starting positions into consideration for the rankings.

NFL Video/Image/Gif of the Week

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Spread Games . Conference Finals

The second round all finished up. 3 people went in with two teams left and only 1 came out at all. Staudt advances with both the Warriors covering (taking the Spurs) and the Pacers. Sean and Bambi both move along against Walt’s Thunder and Bulls with the Grizz and Heat respectively. As usual I will update as often as possible.

UPDATE: STAUDT wins both Series in the East and West, therefore taking the Ship. No need to update the lines for that.

Conference Finals Teams and Owners

Conference Finals Teams

OwnerOriginal TeamNBA ResultSpread ResultNew Team
BambiHeatHeat 4-1Bambi 3-2Heat
StaudtPacersPacers 4-2Staudt 4-2Pacers
StaudtWarrirosSpurs 4-2Staudt 3-3 w/ +2 TiebreakSpurs
SeanGrizzGrizz 4-1Sean 4-0Grizz
Spread Games. Second Round results and Conference Finals Owners

Conference Finals Match-ups

Grizz vs Spurs (FINAL STAUDT WINS 3-1)

Staudt (Spurs) vs Sean (Grizz)
GameSpreadOutcomeSpread SeriesRunning Tiebreaker
1 @SA- SUNSA -4.5Spurs105 - Grizz 83Staudt 1-0SA +17.5
2 @SA- TUESA -5 Spurs 93 - Grizz 89Tied 1-1SA +16.5
3 @MEM- SATMEM -5Spurs 104 - Grizz 93 (OT)Staudt 2-1SA +32.5
4 @MEM- MONMEM -3Spurs 93 - Grizz 86Staudt 3-1SA +42.5


Pacers vs Heat (4-2 FINAL STUADT WINS)

Staudt (Pacers) vs Bambi (Heat)
GameSpreadOutcomeSpread SeriesRunning Tiebreaker
1 @MIA - WEDMIA -8Heat 103 - Pacers 102 (OT)Staudt 1-0IND +7
2 @MIA - FRIMIA -7.5Pacers 97 - Heat 93Staudt 2-0IND +18.5
3 @IND - SUNMIA -2Heat 114 - Pacers 96Staudt 2-1IND +2.5
4 @IND - TUEMIA -3Pacers 99 - Heat 92Staudt 3-1IND +12.5
5 @MIA - THUMIA -7Heat 90 - Pacers 79Staudt 3-2IND +5.5
6 @IND - SATMIA -2Pacers 91 - Heat 77Staudt 4-2IND +21.5
7 @MIA - MONDNMHeat 99 - Pacers 76DNMDNM



Spread Games . Round 2

The first round is finally over and we have all of the teams and owners set to move on. I will have it set up the same way in this post than in the first post just without the pick video. There are 3 people who have moved on with both teams meaning that 3 people lost both. Bambi and Sean are hanging in there with one team each. Anyways, I have the teams and match-ups posted below.

2nd Round Teams and Owners

2nd Round Teams

OwnerOriginal TeamNBA ResultSpread ResultNew Team
BambiHeatHeat 4-0Bambi 3-1Heat
StaudtPacersPacers 4-2Staudt 4-2Pacers
WaltNetsBulls 4-3Walt 4-2Bulls
AkozKnicksKnicks 4-2Akoz 3-3 W/ TiebreakerKnicks
WaltThunderThunder 4-2Walt 3-3 W/ TiebreakerThunder
AkozSpursSpurs 4-0Akoz 4-0Spurs
StaudtWarrirosWarriors 4-2Staudt 4-0Warriors
SeanGrizzGrizz 4-2Sean 4-1Grizz
Spread Games. First Round results and Second Round Owners

2nd Round Match-ups

Grizz vs Thunder (SEAN 4-0 FINAL)

Sean (Grizz) vs Walt (Thunder)
GameSpreadOutcomeSpread SeriesRunning Tiebreaker
1 @OKC - SUNOKC -3Thunder 93 - Grizz 91Sean 1-0Grizz +1
2 @OKC - TUEOKC -2.5Grizz 99 - Thunder 93Sean 2-0Grizz +9.5
3 @MEM - SATMEM -5.5Grizz 87 - Thunder 81Sean 3-0Grizz +10
4 @MEM - MONMEM -4.5Grizz 103 - Thunder 97Sean 4-0Grizz +11.5
5 @OKC - WEDOKC -5Grizz 88 - Thunder 84DNMDNM


Warriors vs Spurs (3-3 FINAL , STAUDT Wins w/ +2 TIEBREAK)

Staudt (Warriors) vs Akoz (Spurs)
GameSpreadOutcomeSpread SeriesRunning Tiebreaker
1 @SA - MONSA -9Spurs 129 - Warrios 127 (2OT)Staudt 1-0GS +7
2 @SA - WEDSA -7Warriors 100 - Spurs 91Staudt 2-0GS +23
3 @GS - FRIGS -2.5Spurs 102 - Warriors 92Staudt 2-1GS +11.5
4 @GS - SUNSA -2Warriors 97 - Spurs 87Staudt 3-1GS +23.5
5 @SA - TUESA -6.5Spurs 109 - Warriors 91Staudt 3-2GS +12
6 @GS - THUSA -2Spurs 94 - Warriors 82Tied 3-3GS +2


Bulls vs Heat (BAMBI 3-2 FINAL)

Walt (Bulls) vs Bambi (Heat)
GameSpreadOutcomeSpread SeriesRunning Tiebreaker
1 @MIA - MONMIA -12Bulls 93 - Heat 86Walt 1-0CHI +19
2 @MIA - WEDMIA -12.5Heat 115 - Bulls 78Tied 1-1MIA +5.5
3 @CHI - FRIMIA -8.5Heat 104 - Bulls 94Bambi 2-1MIA +7
4 @CHI - MONMIA -8Heat 88 - Bulls 65Bambi 3-1MIA +22
5 @MIA - WEDMIA -14Heat 94 - Bulls 91Bambi 3-2MIA +11


Pacers vs Knicks (STAUDT 4-2 FINAL)

Staudt (Pacers) vs Akoz (Knicks)
GameSpreadOutcomeSpread SeriesRunning Tiebreaker
1 @NYK - SUNNYK -5.5Pacers 102 - Knicks 95Staudt 1-0IND +12.5
2 @NYK - TUENYK -6Knicks 105 - Pacers 79Tied 1-1NYK +7.5
3 @IND - SATIND -4.5Pacers 81 - Knicks 71Staudt 2-1NYK +2
4 @IND - TUEIND -5Pacers 93 - Knicks 82Staudt 3-1IND +4
5 @NYK - THUNYK -4.5Knicks 85 - Pacers 75Staudt 3-2NYK +1.5
6 @IND - SATIND -5.5Staudt 4-2Even



*I will update this daily along with the Match-up tables. I am going to put the most recent spreads on top..   Thursday   *No Games    


