
the original

SFFL- 2015 – Week 11

Another week down and the playoff picture really isn’t any clearer. LVU is hanging on by a thread for the playoff picture at all while Krack and FGLP find themselves on the outside looking in (with two incredibly close losses). Based on the records and remaining schedule, both Reachers and the two time champ Mayhem, have clinched. I can’t say the same for anyone else. However, the defending Beefalo’s just need 1 win to clinch (or some other teams to lose). Ditka, Nightshift, and MSIDE all control their own destiny at this point. Hopefully I will be able to get a clearer playoff picture and each scenario going into next week’s games.

To go along with the clinched playoff berth and overall great season so far, the Reachers have locked up $30 with their win last week. That gave them 7 straight and puts their streak out of reach for anyone else. Congrats.

Another thing to keep an eye on these last two weeks is both the points for and points against races. Since about week 5, Ditka has held a strong lead in the points department. Since losing 3 of his big guns, the field has started to catch up. Mayhem only trailing by 19 points and the rest of the pack (besides TACO, BALS, and BEEF) in the 50-60 range. By the way… we are witnessing what appears to be one of the most historically bad seasons ever by a fantasy team. TACO, in 10 weeks, has cracked 100 twice and has had below 80 four times. They have yet to break the 900 point mark and are 425 points behind Ditka!!!! Let that sink in. To make matters even worse (or better, I guess?), they lead the poinst against race. Actually, as I am writing this it seems absolutely amazing that they have 870 points (the lowest) and 1309 points against (the highest). Seriously, what are the chances? That is a plus/minus of -439! They are leading the points against race by 6 over Keystone. Tribute and MSIDE are close enough to make a run, but facing playoff elimination, I doubt they want to compete for this title.

Survivor finds itself down to the last two. BEEF vs Nightshift. Winner take all this week. By the way, in the case of a tie, we will just go ahead and use week 12 and if you guys tie week 12, we will take the total score of both benches from weeks 11 & 12.

Last little tidbit regarding side winnings… BEEF snuck in a nice 52 point win last week, claiming the $10 skin.

That’s all for now… for those of you left in the hunt, good luck.

Pick-Up Report

The pick-up report will just track everyone’s pick-ups from week to week and show who is over their free amount.

Team Moves Owe
Lawrenceville United 17 110
Suck My Ditka 16 110
FGLP Tribute 15 90
Krack 14 80
password is taco 14 80
Jack Reachers 10 50
Keystone St. of Mind 9 30
MSIDE’s Year 9 30
|\/|cNair’s Mayhem 9 30
Monday Nightshift 7 10
The Beefalo’s 6 0
Totals: 139 700

Weekly/Yearly Prizes

Survivor (includes Weekly High Scorer)

2015 - Week 11 - Survivor


2015 - Week 11 - Skins

Points Scored Tracker

2015 - Week 11 - Points For Tracker

Points Against Tracker

2015 - Week 11 - Points Against Tracker

Streak Tracker

2015 - Week 11 - Streak Tracker

Running Winnings

2015 - Week 11 - Winnings

Pats Stats

Maybe later…

Coaching Analysis

2015 - Week 11 - Coaching Analysis

Roster Analysis

2015 - Week 11 - Roster Analysis

Power Ranks

2015 - Week 11 - Power Rankings

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SFFL- 2015 – Week 10

Pick-Up Report

The pick-up report will just track everyone’s pick-ups from week to week and show who is over their free amount.

Team Moves Owe
Lawrenceville United 16 100
Suck My Ditka 15 100
FGLP Tribute 13 70
Krack 13 70
password is taco 13 70
Jack Reachers 9 40
Keystone St. of Mind 9 30
MSIDE’s Year 9 30
|\/|cNair’s Mayhem 9 30
Monday Nightshift 7 10
The Beefalo’s 6 0
Totals: 132 630

Weekly/Yearly Prizes

Survivor (includes Weekly High Scorer)

2015 - Week 10 - Survivor Pool


2015 - Week 10 - Skins

Points Scored Tracker

2015 - Week 10 - Points For

Points Against Tracker

2015 - Week 10 - Points Against

Streak Tracker

2015 - Week 10 - Streak Tracker

Running Winnings

2015 - Week 10 - Winnings

Pats Stats

2015 - Week 10 - Pats Stats

Coaching Analysis

2015 - Week 10 - Coaching Analysis

Roster Analysis

2015 - Week 10 - Roster Analysis

Power Ranks

2015 - Week 10 - Power Rankings

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SFFL- 2015 – Week 9

Well, at 0-8, password is taco is officially eliminated from playoff contention. Keystone St. of Mind and SHRIVELED BALSAGNA are not far behind with Lawrenceville Rebuilding hanging on with two straight wins.

This week is the last non-divisional week and could determine much in itself. Another loss for any of the three mentioned above could pretty much mean the end of the playoff hopes. BUT, a win can keep them that much more alive going into the final three divisional weeks.

The Longest Streak of the Year has also come to a tie at 5. With just under half of the league officially eliminated, one more win in a row this week by the Reachers could be enough to hold on.

With 4 weeks left, Suck My Ditka has a nice 80 or more point lead on everyone in the race for most points. However, despite his amazing resilience and record, his roster is looking a little hampered. It will be interesting to see if any of the close teams can put together a nice stretch to catch up to SMD by week 12.

Finally, BEEF stays alive by outscoring BUCK 93-90 last week to get us down to our Final Four Survivors. BEEF, JR, MNS, and FGLP. This week MNS and BEEF play against each other, which could spell elimination from the survivor game as well as a huge loss in the standings. Aside from that, none of these four teams play each other in weeks 10 or 11. So, whoever is left by then could have playoffs on the line in their H2H game as well as $50 on the line vs the other remaining team.

Pick-Up Report

The pick-up report will just track everyone’s pick-ups from week to week and show who is over their free amount.

Team Moves Owe
Lawrenceville United 15 90
Suck My Ditka 14 90
FGLP Tribute 13 70
Krack 12 60
password is taco 11 50
Jack Reachers 9 40
Keystone St. of Mind 9 30
MSIDE’s Year 8 20
|\/|cNair’s Mayhem 7 10
The Beefalo’s 6 0
Monday Nightshift 6 0
Totals: 122 530

Weekly/Yearly Prizes

Survivor (includes Weekly High Scorer)

2015 - Week 9 - Survivor


2015 - Week 9 - Skins

Points Scored Tracker

2015 - Week 9 - Points For Tracker

Points Against Tracker

2015 - Week 9 - Points Against Tracker

Streak Tracker

2015 - Week 9 - Streak Tracker

Running Winnings

2015 - Week 9 - Winnings

Pats Stats

2015 - Week 9 - Pats Stats

Coaching Analysis

2015 - Week 9 - Coaching Analysis

Roster Analysis

2015 - Week 9 - Roster Analysis

Power Ranks

2015 - Week 9 - Power Rankings

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SFFL- 2015 – Week 8

Pick-Up Report

The pick-up report will just track everyone’s pick-ups from week to week and show who is over their free amount.

Team Moves Owe
Lawrenceville United 14 80
FGLP Tribute 12 60
password is taco 11 50
Krack 11 50
Suck My Ditka 9 40
Keystone St. of Mind 9 30
Jack Reachers 8 30
|\/|cNair’s Mayhem 7 10
MSIDE’s Year 7 10
The Beefalo’s 6 0
Monday Nightshift 4 0

Weekly/Yearly Prizes

Survivor (includes Weekly High Scorer)

2015 - Week 8 - Survivor


2015 - Week 8 - Skins

Points Scored Tracker

2015 - Week 8 - Points For Tracker

Points Against Tracker

2015 - Week 8 - Points Against Tracker

Streak Tracker

2015 - Week 8 - Streak Tracker

Running Winnings

2015 - Week 8 - Winnings

Pats Stats

2015 - Week 8 - Pats Stats

Coaching Analysis

2015 - Week 8 - Coaching Analysis

Roster Analysis

2015 - Week 8 - Roster Analysis

Power Ranks

2015 - Week 8 - Power Rankings

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SFFL- 2015 – Week 7

This week I have decided to add a few more things to track the weekly/yearly payouts. Below you will find a Points For for tracker, with every teams Running Points as well as an accompanying chart. Same for Points Against.

The last thing I added was the Streak Tracker. This may seem a little hard to read at the moment because everyone is technically still eligible. However, after this week things could get interesting if Monday Nightshift pulls out another win. That would give them 6 straight wins with only 5 weeks left. So, If they do win this week, anyone that loses will be out of the running for longest winning streak of the year. That doesn’t mean everyone would be eliminated, though, since 5 other teams are going into this week with at least a streak of W1.

The last thing I wanted to comment on was the post I added on the league site regarding rule changes and voting. Pleas take a look at it if you have not yet. I would like to conduct any changes/voting in a similar manor going forward. That way everyone can express their opinion before the vote actually occurs.

Pick-Up Report

The pick-up report will just track everyone’s pick-ups from week to week and show who is over their free amount.

Team Moves Owe
Lawrenceville United 13 70
password is taco 11 50
FGLP Tribute 11 50
Krack 10 40
Keystone St. of Mind 8 20
Jack Reachers 7 20
Suck My Ditka 7 20
|\/|cNair’s Mayhem 7 10
MSIDE’s Year 6 0
The Beefalo’s 5 0
Monday Nightshift 4 0

Weekly/Yearly Prizes

Survivor (includes Weekly High Scorer)

2015 - Week 7 - Survivor


2015 - Week 7 - Skins

Points Scored Tracker

2015 - Week 7 - Points For Tracker

Points Against Tracker

2015 - Week 7 - Points Against Tracker

Streak Tracker

2015 - Week 7 - Streak Tracker

Running Winnings

2015 - Week 7 - Winnings

Pats Stats


Coaching Analysis

2015 - Week 7 - Coaching Analysis

Roster Analysis

2015 - Week 7 - Roster Analysis

Power Ranks

2015 - Week 7 - Power Rankings

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SFFL- 2015 – Week 6

Pick-Up Report

The pick-up report will just track everyone’s pick-ups from week to week and show who is over their free amount.

Team Moves Owe
Lawrenceville United 11 50
password is taco 10 40
Krack 10 40
FGLP Bradford 8 20
Jack Reachers 7 20
Keystone St. of Mind 6 0
|\/|cNair’s Mayhem 6 0
Suck My Ditka 5 0
MSIDE’s Year 5 0
The Beefalo’s 4 0
Monday Nightshift 2 0

Weekly/Yearly Prizes

Survivor (includes Weekly High Scorer)

2015 - Week 6 - Survivor


2015 - Week 6 - Skins

Running Winnings

2015 - Week 6 - Winnings

Pats Stats


Coaching Analysis

2015 - Week 6 - Coaching Analysis

Roster Analysis

2015 - Week 6 - Power Rankings

Power Ranks

2015 - Week 6 - Power Rankings

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SFFL- 2015 – Week 5

Been really busy, so again, nothing special this week. Updates below…

Here is the Menu for this week’s update:

Pick-Up Report

The pick-up report will just track everyone’s pick-ups from week to week and show who is over their free amount.

Team Moves Owe
Lawrenceville United 10 40
password is taco 9 30
FGLP Bradford 8 20
Krack 7 10
Jack Reachers 6 10
Keystone St. of Mind 5 0
|\/|cNair’s Mayhem 5 0
Suck My Ditka 5 0
The Beefalo’s 4 0
Monday Nightshift 2 0
MSIDE’s Year 2 0

Weekly/Yearly Prizes

Survivor (includes Weekly High Scorer)

2015 - Week 5 - Survivor


2015 - Week 5 - Skins

Running Winnings

2015 - Week 5 - Winnings

Pats Stats


Coaching Analysis

2015 - Week 5 - Coaching Analysis

Roster Analysis

2015 - Week 5 - Roster Analysis

Power Ranks

2015 - Week 5 - Power Rankings

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