
the original

Playoff Games . Conference Wagers

Here are the wagers for the first game, I will update the table when the second game starts.

AkozParlay ( 2 )ATL +4.5, SF/ATL o492513:5WIN 65
AkozStraightNE-8251:1LOSS 25
AkozTeaser ( +7 ) ( 2 )ATL +11.5, NE -150510:13LOSS 505
AkozParlay ( 2 )ATL +4.5, NE -82513:5LOSS 25
AkozStraightATL +4.5251:1WIN 25
DaveParlay ( 4 )ATL +4.5, BAL +8, SF/ATL o49, BAL/NE o51.510010:1LOSS 100
DaveStraightATL +4.5251:1WIN 25
DaveTeaser ( +7 ) ( 2 )SF/ATL o41, BAL/NE o44.5100010:13LOSS 1000
DaveStraightBAL +8251:1WIN 25
DillParlay ( 2 )NE -8, BAL/NE u51.52513:5LOSS 25
DillStraightBAL + 8251:1WIN 25
DillStraightATL +4.53501:1WIN 350
DylanParlay ( 4 )ATL +4.5, SF/ATL o48, NE -8, BAL/NE u51.54010:1LOSS 40
DylanTeaser ( +6 ) ( 4 )ATL +10.5, SF/ATL o42, NE -2, BAL/NE u57.5503:1LOSS 50
DylanStraightBAL/NE u51.5301:1WIN 30
DylanStraightATL +4.5301:1WIN 30
KenParlay ( 2 )SF -4.5, SF/ATL o4920013:5LOSS 200
KenStraightBAL +8501:1WIN 50
KenParlay ( 2 )SF -4.5, BAL +85013:5LOSS 50
KenStraightSF -4.52001:1LOSS 200
KurtParlay ( 4 )SF -4.5, BAL +8, SF/ATL u49, BAL/NE u51.527510:1LOSS 275
KurtStraightSF -4.5251:1LOSS 25
KurtStraightBAL +8251:1WIN 25
LexiStraightNE -81001:1LOSS 100
LexiStraightATL +4.51001:1WIN 100
LexiParlay ( 3 )SF/ATL o49, BAL/NE o51.5, NE -81006:1LOSS 100
LyndseyParlay ( 4 )SF/ATL u49, SF -4.5, NE -8, BAL/NE o51.55010:1LOSS 50
LyndseyStraightBAL/NE o51.5501:1LOSS 50
LyndseyTeaser ( +7 ) ( 4 )SF/ATL o42, ATL +11.5, NE -2, BAL/NE o45.53003:1LOSS 300
LyndseyStraightSF/ATL u49501:1LOSS 50
M/MTeaser ( +6 ) ( 4 )BAL +14, SF +2.5, BAL/NE o45.5, SF/ATL o431003:1LOSS 100
M/MStraightBAL +82001:1WIN 200
M/MStraightSF -4.51001:1LOSS 100
NateStraightBAL +81001:1WIN 100
NateParlay ( 2 )NE -8, BAL/NE o51.55013:5LOSS 50
NateStraightSF -4.55001:1LOSS 500
NateParlay ( 2 )SF -4.5, SF/ATL o495013:5LOSS 50
SeanStraightBAL +8501:1WIN 50
SeanParlay ( 2 )SF -4.5, BAL +85013:5LOSS 50
SeanParlay ( 2 )SF/ATL o49, NE/BAL o51.510013:5LOSS 100
SeanStraightSF/ATL o49501:1WIN 50
StaudtStraightBAL/NE u51.51001:1WIN 100
StaudtParlay ( 4 )SF/ATL u49, ATL +4.5, ?, ?5010:1LOSS 50
StaudtStraightSF-4.5501:1LOSS 50
StaudtParlay ( 2 )NE -8, BAL/NE o51.510013:5LOSS 100
StaudtParlay ( 2 )SF/ATL o49, ATL +4.510013:5WIN 260
SteveStraightNE -81001:1LOSS 100
SteveParlay ( 2 )NE -8, SF/ATL o492513:5LOSS 25
SteveStraightSF/ATL o496751:1WIN 675
TuschakStraightBAL +8751:1WIN 75
TuschakParlay ( 4 )BAL +8, BAL/NE u51.5, ATL +4.5, SF/ATL o495010:1WIN 500
TuschakStraightATL +4.5251:1WIN 25
XaneParlay ( 4 )ATL +4.5, BAL +8, SF/ATL o49, BAL/NE o51.5144.2310:1LOSS 144.23
XaneStraightSF -4.5251:1LOSS 25
XaneStraightNE -8251:1LOSS 25


Playoff Games . Conference Lines

Okay everyone, here are the Thursday lines for the games on Sunday. You can start to send me your wagers. Keep in mind if you need to reach your minimum on Teasers (You only need 1) or Parlays (3). You can check how many of each you have by looking at the Updated Standings.


Playoff Games . Updated Standings

So, Here are the updated standings included with the games won and lost of each type. Take note of the number of Parlays and Teasers you have so far and remember by the end up the Super Bowl you need at least 3 Parlays and 1 Teaser met. As far as the high for the week Dylan hit a two team parlay for an increase of 520. Mahon/Martin put up two huge Straight bets, first for a 300 increase on Saturday and they turned around on Sunday and hit another 500 taking them from 15th to 2nd! Lastly, the Futures on the Super Bowl has been narrowed down to Everyone who had New England and Tuschak and Dave with Atlanta. With Dave standing in first at the moment a +600 from Atlanta could be huge.


EntryCreditsStraight BetsStraight WonStraight LostParlay BetsParlay WonParlay LostTeaser BetsTeaser WonTease LostTotal BetsTotal WonTotal Lost
Standings from the First Two Round of bets.

I will post the lines again on Thursday. Only two games this week and you will want to have as much as possibly going into the Super Bowl. Both games are on Sunday with the NFC game first @ 3:00PM and the AFC game at 6:30PM.

Playoff Games . Round 2 Wagers

Simple post here. Just like last week I will post the wagers as they come to me the best I can. I will continue to update this page as the games start as well. At first, I will just show the Person, Type of Wager, and the Ratio. I will reveal the bets as the games start just like I did last week.

Total Round 2 Wagers

AkozTeaser ( 2 ) ( +7)BAL + 17, GB +1040010:13LOSS 400
AkozStraightGB +31251:1LOSS 125
AkozParlay ( 2 )BAL + 10, GB + 35013:5LOSS 50
AkozStraightSEA +2.5251:1WIn 25
AkozStraightBAL +10501:1WIN 50
AkozStraightNE -9.5251:1WIN 25
DaveStraightGB +3501:1LOSS 50
DaveParlay ( 2 )HOU/NE o48, SEA/ATL o45.510013:5WIN 260
DaveStraightSEA/ATL o45.5501:1WIN 50
DaveStraightDEN -10501:1LOSS 50
DaveTeaser ( 4 ) ( +7)HOU/NE o41, SEA/ATL o38.5, BAL/DEN o39, GB/SF o38502:1WIN 100
Dave StraightHOU/NE o481001:1WIN 100
DillStraightHOU +9.51001:1LOSS 100
DillStraightSEA +2.5501:1WIN 50
DillStraightBAL +10501:1WIN 50
DillParlay ( 3 )BAL +10, SF -3, HOU +9.51006:1LOSS 100
DillStraightGB/SF u451001:1LOSS 100
DillTeaser ( 2 ) ( +6.5 )HOU +16, SEA +915010:12WIN 125
DylanStraightHOU/NE o48601:1WIN 60
DylanTeaser ( 7 ) ( +6 )BAL +16, BAL/DEN o40, GB +9, GB/SF o39, ?, ?, ?6010:1LOSS 60
DylanParlay ( 6 )BAL/DEN o46, GB +3, GB/SF o45, ?, ?, ?5040:1LOSS 50
DylanStraightGB +31001:1LOSS 100
DylanStraightSEA/ATL o45.5501:1WIN 50
DylanStraightBAL/DEN o46601:1WIN 60
DylanParlay ( 2 )NE -9.5, HOU/NE o4820013:5WIN 520
DylanTeaser ( 4 ) ( +6 )BAL +16, BAL/DEN o40, GB +9, GB/SF o39753:1LOSS 75
KenStraightNE -9.5501:1WIN 50
KenStraightDEN -10251:1LOSS 25
KenStraightSEA +2.5251:1WIN 25
KenParlay ( 2 )DEN -10, GB +32513:5LOSS 25
KenStraightGB +3251:1LOSS 25
KurtParlay ( 3 )SEA/ATL o45.5, HOU/NE o48, HOU +9.51006:1LOSS 100
KurtStraightSEA +2.5251:1WIN 25
KurtStraightGB +31501:1LOSS 150
KurtStraightHOU/NE o48751:1WIN 75
KurtParlay ( 3 )GB +3, ?, ?2006:1LOSS 200
KurtStraightBAL +10251:1WIN 25
LexiStraightGB +3251:1LOSS 25
LexiParlay ( 2 )BAL +10, BAL/DEN u462513:5LOSS 25
LexiTeaser ( 3 ) ( +6.5 )BAL +16.5, GB +9.5, ?258:5LOSS 25
LexiStraightSEA +2.5251:1WIN 25
LexiStraightBAL/DEN u46251:1LOSS 25
LexiStraightHOU/NE o48251:1WIN 25
LyndseyParlay ( 2 )DEN -10, SF -32513:5LOSS 25
LyndseyParlay ( 4 )NE -9.5, HOU/NE o48, SEA +2.5, SEA/ATL u45.52510:1LOSS 25
LyndseyStraightBAL/DEN u46251:1LOSS 25
LyndseyStraightHOU/NE o481001:1WIN 100
LyndseyStraightSEA +2.5501:1WIN 50
LyndseyTeaser ( 4 ) ( +7)BAL/DEN u 53, GB/SF u 52, DEN - 3, GB + 10502:1LOSS 50
LyndseyStraightGB/SF u45251:1LOSS 25
M/MStraightNE -9.55001:1WIN 500
M/MStraightATL -2.5251:1LOSS 25
M/MParlay ( 4 )ATL -2.5, SEA/ATL o45.5, NE -9.5, HOU/NE o482510:1LOSS 25
M/MParlay ( 4 ) BAL +10, SF -3, BAL/DEN u46, GB/SF o452510:1LOSS 25
M/MStraightBAL +103001:1WIN 300
M/MStraightGB +3251:1LOSS 25
NateStraightBAL +10501:1WIN 50
NateTeaser ( 3 ) ( +7 )GB + 10, ?, DEN - 31007:5LOSS 100
NateStraightGB +32001:1LOSS 200
NateStraightSEA +2.51251:1WIN 125
NateStraightNE -9.5501:1WIN 50
SeanStraightATL -2.5501:1LOSS 50
SeanStraightGB +3501:1LOSS 50
SeanTeaser ( 2 ) ( +7 )SEA + 9.5, HOU +16.510010:13WIN 76.92
SeanStraightHOU/NE o48501:1WIN 50
SeanStraightDEN -10501:1LOSS 50
StaudtParlay ( 4 )HOU +9.5, HOU/NE o48, SEA +2.5, SEA/ATL o45.510010:1LOSS 100
StaudtTeaser ( 2 ) ( +6.5 )GB/SF o38.5, BAL/DEN u52.55010:12LOSS 50
StaudtStraightGB +3501:1LOSS 50
StaudtStraightSEA +2.5501:1WIN 50
StaudtParlay ( 3 )GB +3, GB/SF o45, OPEN256:1LOSS 25
StaudtStraightBAL/DEN u 46501:1LOSS 50
StaudtStraightNE -9.52001:1WIN 200
StaudtTeaser ( 8 ) ( +6 )DEN -4, BAL/DEN u52, GB +9, GB/SF o39, OPEN, OPEN, OPEN, OPEN2515:1LOSS 25
SteveTeaser ( 3 ) ( +6 )BAL +16, GB +9, ?509:5LOSS 50
SteveStraightHOU/NE o481001:1WIN 100
SteveStraightSEA +2.5501:1WIN 50
SteveParlay ( 2 )DEN -10, GB +32513:5LOSS 25
SteveStraightBAL/DEN u46501:1LOSS 50
SteveStraightGB +31001:1LOSS 100
TuschakStraightNE -9.5501:1WIN 50
TuschakStraightSEA +2.5251:1WIN 25
TuschakStraightGB +3251:1LOSS 25
TuschakTeaser ( 2 ) ( +7 )GB + 10, DEN -387510:13LOSS 875
TuschakStraightBAL +10251:1WIN 25
XaneStraightHOU + 9.5501:1LOSS 50
XaneStraightATL -2.5501:1LOSS 50
XaneStraightBAL +10501:1WIN 50
XaneStraightGB +3501:1LOSS 50
XaneParlay ( 3 )GB + 3, BAL + 10, ?2006:1LOSS 200
Wagers made by everyone for the second weekend of games.

Here is the Futures wagers as well…

Futures Wagers

Wagers from everyone for the Super Bowl.


Playoff Games . Round 2 Lines


Here are the lines for this weekends games. Remember, even if the lines change from now until the start of a game, we keep these lines that are posted. You may start to send me wagers for this week as soon as you like via email, text, or call. Text is the easiest for me, but I can work with email just fine. Call if you absolutely must because sometimes I may not be able to write things down or may be in class. You must have at least 1 straight wager on each of the four games and for anyone that may have thought otherwise, a straight wager can be the spread OR the over/under. Again, you have up until 10 minutes before the start of a specific game to change or add any wagers. With that being said, all teasers and parlays are open in a sense that you can change which bets make them up, but once the first game of a teaser or parlay start you can not change the wager amount or the number of teams… at that point, you can only change the remaining bets. For example, if I have NE, SEA, and GB in a parlay for 50. You have until 10 minutes before the GB game to change the wager amount, the number of teams, any bets involved, or cancel the bet. However, once the GB game locks, the number of teams (3 in this case) and the wager (50) lock. If it were a teaser, those two things and the plus amount (6, 6.5, or 7) would also lock. BUT.. say GB covers and my bet is still alive Sunday morning, but I am having second thoughts about SEA… I have until 12:50 to change my SEA bet to anything else that has yet to happen. If I change it in time, all is good. Once it locks, I would have until 4:20 to make any changes to the NE bet. Anyways… here are the lines….

Lastly, here are the links to previous posts for easy access.
Intro – Includes Teaser and Parlay Odds
Futures Wagers

Thanks and Good Luck,

Playoff Games . Round 1 Standings and Stats

After the first round of games here are the current standings. I also included the number of each type of bet so you can compare how everyone is doing and see where you stand as for as minimum Parlays and Teasers are concerned. A few people had some pretty nice wins over the weekend but Akoz had the biggest win with 300 on a 2 team teaser which returned him 230.77. Also, Nate and Sean had straight bets that netted them 200 and 150, respectively. Bambi putting 625 on the Colts +7 ended up being a huge mistake. He needed Washington to cover to even still be in it, but now since he doesn’t have 100 credits to make 4 straight bets this week he is officially eliminated (the only one). Anyways… here is the standings and be ready for the lines to the games on Thursday. I have all of the wagers saved, but if you think I made a mistake please let me know ASAP.

It was brought to my attention and I went back and checked… but Tuschak had a 3 team parlay which included SEA -2.5 and not WASH +2.5. This changed from a Loss of 75 to a win of 450, which was the largest of the week. All the fixes have been made on the wagers and standings tables.
NOTE: These Standings updated with the second round!


EntryCreditsStraight BetsStraight WonStraight LostParlay BetsParlay WonParlay LostTeaser BetsTeaser WonTease LostTotal BetsTotal WonTotal Lost
Standings from the First Two Round of bets.


Playoff Games . Round 1 and Futures Wagers Coming In

Here is where I will post and keep updating the Round 1 Wagers. If you look back in the Intro you will see how I will update the wagers in terms of when and what you can see from other people. Anyways, here is what I have as of 1:00 PM on Sunday January 6, 2013. There is still plenty of time to get wagers in for those who are still on the edge.

Futures Wagers

Wagers from everyone for the Super Bowl.

Round 1 Wagers

AkozStraightHOU -4.5251:1WIN 25
AkozStraightIND/BAL u47251:1WIN 25
AkozStraightGB - 7.5251:1WIN 25
AkozStraightSEA -2.5251:1WIN 25
AkozTeaser ( 2 ) (+7)GB -.5, BAL (Pick)30010:13WIN 230.77
BambiParlay ( 2 )HOU -4.5, IND +72513:5LOSS 25
BambiStraightHOU -4.5251:1WIN 25
BambiParlay ( 2 )HOU -4.5, MIN +7.52513:5LOSS 25
BambiStraightWASH +2.5251:1LOSS 25
BambiStraightIND +76251:1LOSS 625
BambiStraightMIN +7.5251:1LOSS 25
DaveStraightCIN/HOU u43501:1WIN 50
DaveParlay ( 2 )IND/BAL u47, SEA/WASH u462513:5WIN 65
DaveStraightBAL -7251:1WIN 25
DaveStraightGB -7.51001:1WIN 100
DaveStraightWASH +2.5251:1LOSS 25
DillStraightSEA/WASH o461001:1LOSS 100
DillStraightCIN/HOU o43501:1LOSS 50
DillStraightMIN +7.5501:1LOSS 50
DillStraightIND +71001:1LOSS 100
DylanStraightIND +7501:1LOSS 50
DylanTeaser ( 2 ) ( +6 )SEA +3.5, SEA/WASH o4010010:11LOSS 100
DylanParlay ( 3 )HOU -4.5, IND +7, SEA -2.5306:1LOSS 30
DylanStraightSEA -2.5251:1WIN 25
DylanStraightGB -7.51001:1WIN 100
DylanStraightCIN/HOU o43301:1LOSS 30
DylanStraightMIN/GB o46351:1LOSS 35
KenStraightGB -7.5251:1WIN 25
KenStraightHOU -4.51001:1WIN 100
KenStraightWASH +2.5251:1LOSS 25
KenStraightIND +7501:1LOSS 50
KurtStraightMIN/GB o46751:1LOSS 75
KurtStraightSEA -2.5501:1WIN 50
KurtStraightHOU -4.51251:1WIN 125
KurtParlay ( 3 )HOU -4.5, GB -7.5, MIN/GB o46306:1LOSS 30
KurtTeaser ( 2 ) ( +7 )IND +14, SEA/WASH o3912510:13LOSS 125
KurtStraightIND +7251:1LOSS 25
LexiStraightSEA/WASH o46501:1LOSS 50
LexiStraightIND +7251:1LOSS 25
LexiStraightMIN/GB o46251:1LOSS 25
LexiParlay ( 3 )IND/BAL u47, SEA -2.5, SEA/WASH o46506:1LOSS 50
LexiStraightHOU -4.5501:1WIN 50
LyndseyStraightSEA -2.5251:1WIN 25
LyndseyStraightIND/BAL o47251:1LOSS 25
LyndseyParlay ( 2 )CIN/HOU o43, SEA/WASH o462513:5LOSS 25
LyndseyStraightMIN/GB u46251:1WIN 25
LyndseyStraightHOU -4.5251:1WIN 25
Mahon/MartinStraightMIN/GB o46251:1LOSS 25
Mahon/MartinStraightCIN +4.5251:1LOSS 25
Mahon/MartinParlay ( 4 )CIN +4.5, MIN/GB o46, IND +7, WASH +2.52510:1LOSS 25
Mahon/MartinStraightWash +2.5251:1LOSS 25
Mahon/MartinStraightIND +72501:1LOSS 250
NateStraightSEA -2.52001:1WIN 200
NateStraightIND +7251:1LOSS 25
NateStraightCIN/HOU o43501:1LOSS 50
NateStraightGB -7.5501:1WIN 50
SeanStraightIND/BAL u472001:1WIN 200
SeanStraightSEA/WASH u461501:1WIN 150
SeanStraightCIN/HOU o431001:1LOSS 100
SeanStraightMIN/GB o462001:1LOSS 200
SeanStraightHOU -4.51001:1WIN 100
StaudtTeaser ( 8 ) ( +7 )CIN/HOU o36, CIN +11.5, GB -.5, MIN/GB o39, IND +14, IND/BAL u54, SEA +5.5, SEA/WASH o392510:1LOSS 25
StaudtParlay ( 2 )CIN/HOU o43, SEA/WASH o462513:5LOSS 25
StaudtStraightMIN/GB o461001:1LOSS 100
StaudtStraightCIN/HOU o43251:1LOSS 25
StaudtStraightIND +7501:1LOSS 50
StaudtStraightSEA -2.5501:1WIN 50
StaudtTeaser ( 2 ) ( +6 )CIN +10.5, MIN/GB o402510:11LOSS 25
SteveStraightIND/BAL u47251:1WIN 25
SteveStraightMIN +7.5251:1LOSS 25
SteveStraightHOU -4.5251:1WIN 25
SteveStraightSEA -2.5251:1WIN 25
TuschakStraightGB -7.51001:1WIN 100
TuschakParlay ( 2 )CIN + 4.5, WASH +2.510013:5LOSS 100
TuschakStraightCIN +4.5501:1LOSS 50
TuschakStraightBAL -71001:1WIN 100
TuschakParlay ( 3 )GB -7.5, BAL -7, SEA -2.5756:1WIN 450
TuschakStraightWASH +2.53251:1LOSS 325
XaneStraightSEA -2.5501:1WIN 50
XaneStraightHOU -4.5501:1WIN 50
XaneParlay ( 5 )HOU -4.5, GB -7.5, IND +7, IND/BAL u47, SEA -2.530020:1LOSS 300
XaneStraightMIN/GB u46251:1WIN 25
XaneTeaser ( 2 ) (+7)GB -.5, SEA +5.52510:13WIN 19.23
XaneStraightIND +71001:1LOSS 100
Wagers made by everyone for the first weekend of games.


Thanks and Good Luck,