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Playoff Games Round 1 and Futures

For anyone that is still following along and is going to play here is the first week of lines and the futures lines in which you need to make a decision one. Also, I will be making one rule change from yesterdays post. So, what you need to do from now until the games begin on Saturday is text, call, or email me with you picks. Remember you need to have at least one Straight Wager for each game, 3 Parlays (which do not need to be this week), 1 Teaser (which also does not need to be this week), and 1 Futures Bet (which needs to be before the first game).

Rule Change
The only rule change I have decided to make is the eliminate the Max Bet setting for each round. In thinking it over, I initially wanted to eliminate someone betting the house on one game and taking a huge lead, but I think that will take away from some of the fun. Some people may take the small amounts route while other may want to take the boom or bust approach. Either way, KEEP IN MIND, there is still a minimum of 25 credits per bet and you MUST reach your minimum of 11 Straight Wagers (one per game), 3 Parlays, 1 Teaser, and the 25 credit futures. So, if you go and bet 500 on something in Round 1 and lose you might not have the funds in the end to reach your minimum bets.

Round 1 Game Lines

Here are the lines for the first round games. They will stay these lines, taken from Sportsbook, even if the lines change from now until kickoff. As long as everyone has the same lines to play with… it is fair. I need at least one straight wager from each game for this week. If you choose to go the teaser route you can choose from 6, 6.5, or 7 to add to the lines above. For example, Say you choose 6.5 for a teaser you would add 6.5 to each teams spread, take away 6.5 from the over, and add 6.5 to the under… (Seahawks would become a +4, Redskins +9, and the over under for that game would be over 39.5 or under 52.5).

Remember, you do not have to stop at 4 bets.

Futures Lines

Above are the futures lines for the Super Bowl Winner. Before the start of the first game you need to make a pick on who you think is going to win the Super Bowl. Everyone will use the same 25 Credit amount. So, you can take a risk and go with someone with a huge return or try and get a solid amount of Credits from a favorite. Either way, you will not be able to adjust this bet once the first games start.

For those of you who are unfamiliar, a 25 credit wager on a +300(Patriots) line would return 75 Credits + 25 Initial Credits for a total of 100.
Similarly, if you would choose the +8000 Colts, you would get 2025 Credits.

Good Luck
If you decide to play you can start to send me wagers. At this time I am not 100% sure of the amount of people who will be participating because many seem on the edge. Saturday I will have a final answer to that. Again, if you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns please let me know ASAP. My next update will start to include the wagers that are being made so that everyone can track their own and oppositions progress.


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Comment (1)

  1. John Patterson

    Hey whats up bother. What is the buy in and how many do you have so far?

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