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2014 Post Season Cover

SFFL- 2014 – Post Season Update

With the party as the only thing left, the fantasy football season has officially come to an end. Congrats to the 2014 Champions The Beefalo’s. This update obviously doesn’t have any analysis or rankings, however, I did update the all time playoff stats and the Championship Rosters. Also, I have the order for the 2015 Draft Choices [Remember: that does not mean you will pick from that spot in the draft, but you get to pick where you want to draft. So, Nate technically does not get a pick since he is 12. He just gets what is left.] I have the Block Pool information for next week’s game and I have the final payout information for starting next year. Thanks everyone and I’ll see you Saturday.

Here is the Menu for this week’s update:

Party Info


Where: Stack’d
When: Saturday January 10th
Start Time: Half Time of First Game (Roughly 6:00)
End Time: 2AM
Food: Same as last year
Drink: Pitchers

Block Pool

The numbers were chosen randomly with a deck of cards.

Click to Enlarge

Click to Enlarge

Half: 50
Final: 100

Draft Choices

Team Finish Draft Choice Draft Pick
Keystone St. of Mind 7 1 TBD
Monday Nightshift 8 2 TBD
Revis and Butthead 9 3 TBD
Mountain Men 10 4 TBD
|\/|cNair’s Mayhem 11 5 TBD
Suck My Ditka 12 6 TBD
Cordarrelle Patterson 6 8 TBD
MSIDE’s Year 4 9 TBD
Lawrenceville United 3 10 TBD
Krack 2 11 TBD
The Beefalo’s 1 12 TBD

Rule Changes

The votes are all in and we decided to go with a 200 entry fee and the payouts as follows…
First 1000
Second 500
Third 150
Weekly/Yearly 750

I have decided on what to pay out and how much for the weekly and yearly and it is below. If everyone dislikes something, then we can vote. Otherwise, consider this just a commish decision.

Payout Name Type How Many x How Much Total Running Total
Weekly Highest Scorer Weekly 12×20 240 240
Highest 1 Week Score of the Year Yearly 1×40 40 280
Most Points for the Year Yearly 1×50 50 330
Most Points in Playoff Weeks [wk13-wk16] Playoffs 1×50 50 380
*Skins Weekly 12×10 120 500
**Survivor Year Long 1×50 50 550
Most Points Against Yearly 1×20 20 570
Longest Win Streak Yearly 1×30 30 600
Largest Margin of Victory Yearly 1×30 30 630
Division Winners Yearly 3×40 120 750

+Most important rule… In order to win any weekly/yearly prizes or games the teams entry fee must be paid in full. If the team is not paid in full and they hit a weekly award, it will go to the next person. If they are not paid in full by week 12, they can’t win a yearly prize and it will go to the next person. The two special games below are described as follows….

*Weekly Skins: Each week 10 is up for any team that beats their opponent by more than 50 points. If nobody beats anyone by that much, the money rolls over to the next week. When someone hits, the pot starts back at 10. Whatever money is carried over (if any) after week 12 finishes, it will continue into the playoffs, but will not increase. If it is still not hit by the time we get to week 15, in order to win it, you would need to outscore your opponent by 100 over the 2 week span. If nobody hits that, whatever is left will get split 60/40 to the top two teams with the greatest point differential on the entire season (including playoffs). If a team is not paid in full and hits a skin, they will not get paid and the money will simply carry over. If two people hit a skin on the same week, it carries over. The point of a skin is to be the only one who does it in a particular week.

**Survivor: Every week the lowest scoring team is eliminated until 1 team remains. If there are teams that are not paid in full, they will be eliminated first. Example: 10 Teams are paid in full at draft and two teams are not. When week 1 ends, the 10 teams paid in full are safe regardless of score and the lower score of the two unpaid teams will be eliminated. If the unpaid team that survived week 1 is still unpaid for week 2, they will be eliminated regardless of score. Then, starting in week 3 (since the remaining teams will all be paid in full) we will eliminate the lowest scoring team until 1 is left. If two teams tie for the lowest score in one week, if one is unpaid they are eliminated, if both are unpaid they are both eliminated, if both are paid the lower scoring bench is eliminated. If the benched score the same, both are eliminated. Whoever is left at the end will win the 50.

Playoff Stats

Click to Enlarge

Click to Enlarge

Playoff Rosters

Full Rosters

Click to Enlarge

Click to Enlarge

Players with the Most Titles
2014 Players Titles

Teams with the Most Players Titles
2014 Titles Teams

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